Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Microsoft Access - Add multi-collumn item to ListBox with VBA

Sounds simple enough; but no simple solution found; at least not easily.

Set Columns property of ListBox to 2 columns.

The answer is to use the semicolon as a delimiter. I guess if you have a semicolon in the actual content you would need to escape it.

See http://www.xtremevbtalk.com/showthread.php?s=84c58c3e5e4e7b8cfc7ae3b0fcac6a91&t=143946

Friday, November 12, 2010

Microsoft Access - AeXTreeCtrlLib.dll error


At some point, when the Microsoft Access 2007 database file (ending in .accdb) was moved from a Windows XP system to a Windows Vista and Windows 7 system, upon startup, an error about a missing DLL named AeXTreeCtrlLib.dll.


Not sure what the cause was or how to fix it. The workaround I came up with was to create a brand new database and then import the tables, queries, forms, and reports from the old broken database. Wala! Magic! Fixed, at least seems to be.


Microsoft Access - rows not included in report


Some rows were not included in report.


Check for rows in the table that have blank fields and fill them with something.


Not sure why this is. I checked to make sure that in the properties for the fields, it's not required for those fields to have a value.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Microsoft Access- Macro Suddenly Causing Errors or Warnings


Errors and/or warnings appear suddenly for no apparent reason.


Check your macros. Try using the built in feature to convert macros to VBA functions.

Microsoft Access - Report Query Not Working


Using Microsoft Access 2007, I designed a report using multiple objects utilizing the same table. i.e. employee & customer both using a table called "person" to store data. Using the query designer, two versions of the person table were represented: person and person_1. After I saved the design and viewed the report, the fields were messed up.For example, both employee.name and customer.name showed the employee.name.


Save the query external to the report, then reference in the report design.


Don't know. I beat my head on the wall for awhile on this one. It's just part of the quirkiness of Microsoft Access. I suspect that it had something to do with multiple references of the same table to represent different data objects in the report. For some reason, thank goodness, I discovered a simple workaround.

Lesson Learned:

If an embedded/implicit query in a report (or form perhaps) doesn't behave correctly, try saving outside of the form and referencing like a table. It might be a good habit to always save your queries this way.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

VBA - Null errors


Are you getting weird errors about incorrect usage of Null? Perhaps in an If Else block that doesn't seem to be working for some reason.


Make sure you are using just Null and the function IsNull correctly. The value Null is to be used in SQL queries whereas the function IsNull() is used in VBA syntax.

For more information see the article Learn the differences between Is Null and IsNull() in Access at techrepublic.com.

Microsoft Access - Report Colors Don't Print


On the report the color coded rows look great. However, when it is sent to print we lose this capability. Is this on our end (printer issue)?


The row colors for the report are set using VBA code in the Detail_Paint event. The same code needs to be called in the Detail_Print event.

This applies to Microsoft Access 2007. I'm not sure if it applies to other versions of Microsoft Access.

Reformation Ideas

  • understanding and comprehension of U.S. constitution demonstrated
  • secret clearance obainment required
  • strict accountability for oaths and promises made
  • no campaigning while serving a term elected to fulfill
  • term limits for all elected officials