Why didn't the Democratic Party pick a candidate that has a chance of winning?
Why didn't they pick a candidate that is qualified?
Why would they set themselves up to lose?
It doesn't make sense; does it?
Perhaps their plan has really been to get McCain elected. If he ran as a Democrat,
McCain would get beat by a true conservative Republican. With McCain masquerading as a
Republican, the Democrats have already knocked out the real Republicans.
Think about it. I mean, really; an unknown freshman senator with no experience and no
achievements; no leadership; no success to speak of. A former first lady who can answer
the phone at 3 AM.
They had to know that neither had a chance to win it all. I'm sure they did an extensive
background check on Obama and knew that America would not take lightly his associations with
Reverend Wright and William Ayers. Surely, they read his books to learn what his true thoughts
and feelings are. They must have noticed his lack of patriotism by his subtle actions such
as refusing to display the American flag on his person and not holding his hand to his heart
during the pledge of allegiance.
The only thing that makes sense is that the Democrat leaders and McCain planned this
together from the outset.
Now the Dems have the luxury and freedom to see if they can get a true socialist in The White House. Either way, conservatives lose. The only question, is by how much.
So, this leads to another question; Why hasn't the Republican party caught onto this and kicked McCain out of the party?
As far as I'm concerned, I needn't bother showing up to the polls to vote for president in the upcoming general election. This will be the first time since I've been able to vote that I do not cast a ballot in the presidential contest. The only thing that would cause me to reconsider; to give me something to get excited about, would be if McCain selects Mitt Romney as his running mate, or someone at least as conservative as Mitt with at least as much proven leadership success and integrity. But, being the maverick that he is, the chance is slim to none.
May God bless America!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The Democrats Have Already Won - McCain Is Their Man
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
What's Wrong With Mccain?
Why does he attack those from his own party?
Why is he so easily offended?
Why does he not stand for anything?
He stated that we are the party of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan, would they not attack their opponents who seek to destroy out American republican system of government and the constitution that defines it and holds it together?
So, now Mccain is getting attacked by both the Democrats and the Republicans. Why is he doing this to himself? Who will support him. He continues to make enemies on both sides. The democrats are opposed to him because he is a Republican. The republicans will not support him because he stands for nothing, attacks republicans who stand for the moral and conservative principals that form the foundation of the republican party. How can he possibly win a presidential election?
He is not electable as a Republican.
Now, if he were to switch over to the Democratic party, where he would more appropriately fit, then he would outshine the other two presidential candidates in the Democrat party and possibly win the race in a landslide. This would allow the republicans to put forth a true republican and conservsative.
The False Prophet Reverend Wright - Lies and Insults
Reverend Wright said recently in an interview with Bill Moyers on PBS, that he doesn't talk to Barrack Obama, a member of his congregation, about politics.
HELLO! Earth to Reverend Wright!!
What do you do from the pulpit at your church? You preach politics.
I am flabbergasted by his statement!!
He thinks he can play us, the American people, like the idiots he is used to preaching to regularly. Who else in their right mind would subject themselves and their families to the filth and lies that he spews from his mouth week after week.
Absolutely disgusting!!
In the America of today, where my children are color blind when it comes to race; when people speak about others in conversation without having to refer to their racial makeup as an obvious feature; where neighbors happily converse and share time with each other, regardless of ethnic or racial makeup or background.
I had been happy of late thinking how far we have come as a people from the hatred and racism that I heard from my grandparents. My parents instilled no hint of racism whatsoever in their children. The dream set forth in the Declaration of Independence was coming to fruition. From my perspective, the generation of my children, could live a life where no one in their sphere of influence would introduce even the shadow or hint of racism. That is, as long as we protect them from Reverend Wright's sermons, now being played on TV, radio, and across the internet
And another thing; how insulting it is that he uses the name of Christ in the title of his "church". It is appalling to say the least. Christianity is not being taught by Reverend Wright; this is quite obvious. Hatred and deception is the opposite of what Jesus taught. It makes me sick!
The true prophet Ezra Taft Benson warned "... many pulpits are being turned into pipelines of collectivist propaganda ...".
Credits and References:
1. Photo of Reverand Wright taken from www.rushlimbaugh.com on 20080428'. see
2. An Enemy Has Done This, Ezra Taft Benson
Sunday, April 13, 2008
The End of the Democratic Party
Could the end of the Democratic party as we know it be possible in the near future?
Why would I ask such a thing?
Only because the demise of the Federalist party occurred after U.S. success in the war of 1812. Nationalism rose after victories led by Andrew Jackson. The Federalists, who were quite opposed to involvement in the war, were so embarrassed that the national party basically became extinct.
We are hearing reports of measured success to our war effort in Iraq and the middle east. This brings heavy blows to the Democrats who continue to preach failure. They have been staunchly opposed to the war from the beginning. Every report is of a pessimistic view point.
They recently hammered on the 4000 lost lives when the mark was met.
Every American life paid is the ultimate for that one, and a very dear one for the family and loved ones, and those who fight along side that American. With that in mind, to put things in perspective, 3650 American lives were paid in a single day on September 17th, 1862 at the Battle of Antietem during the Civil War. (another interesting fact, but not comparable to lives given in service to our country, is that 3908 Americans were murdered in the state of Michigan alone from the years 2001 to 2006 inclusive.)
If we are becoming successful in our current effort in Iraq, than it would be quite a blow to the Democrats who have been preaching failure; their calls for us to quit and back out.
Would this bring the same devistation to the national Democratic party that the Federalist party suffered? I'm not sure. But, I thought it was interesting to compare and think about.
1. http://www.nps.gov/archive/anti/casualty.htm
2. http://www.michigan.gov/msp/0,1607,7-123-1645_3501_4621---,00.html
3. http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/jm4.html
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Response To The "Helping Families Save Their Homes in Bankruptcy Act"
Here is a letter that I wrote to Senator Benjamin Cardin, my US Senator from Maryland, today, regarding his recent sponsorship of the Helping Families Save Their Homes in Bankruptcy Act:
Mr. Benjamin Cardin,
Please do not spend the money we have entrusted you with to protect our liberties and freedoms to rob people of an opportunity to learn a valuable lesson about the poor choice that they made. If they are not allowed to suffer the consequences of the actions they made of their own free will, then they will not grow wiser through the humbling experience which you seek to deprive them of. They will not learn and will have no reason not to use the same poor judgment again.
Furthermore, you would rob other citizens of an opportunity to purchase a home at a lower price, that they may have not otherwise been able to afford.
Yet others would be robbed of an enterprising investment opportunity. The free market is a beautiful thing if left unfettered.
It is not the proper role of government to intervene in the economic and personal affairs of it's citizens. As well, it is not fair to those of us who made sound decisions to live within our means or those of us who have suffered financially because we rectified our situation of our own accord.
What will you do next? Will you make a provision where citizens can submit each poor choice that they make in life and the economic set back that they suffered because of it, so that the government can pay them to cover their losses?
Do you see how absurd this would be? You will end up with a society of citizens who don't know how to think for themselves, and cannot survive without the government providing for all of their needs; a socialist state.
Stop meddling in affairs that you have no business being involved in.
We will be watching you to hold you accountable for your actions. Please make good, constitutionally sound decisions. To do so, a noble statesman you would become.
Your Fellow Maryland Citizen
Hyrum Shewell
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Unveiling the Wolf in Sheeps Clothing
Through his actions and in his own words (both written and spoken) we can decipher the truth about Barrack Hussein Obama (who would be president of the United States of America).
America WAKE UP! Pay attention! Do your homework! Our liberty is at stake! The liberty, freedom, and fate of the world hangs in the balance! As a citizen of this great nation, the greatest God has ever created on this earth, it is your duty and obligation to be patriots and defend the liberty and freedom we enjoy that our fathers and mothers fought, bled, and died for. It is our duty to spread freedom throughout the world, as it is God's wish that all of his children benefit from it. For it is only where government does not restrict, bind, or hinder him whatsoever, that he is truly free to think, choose, and act for himself; of his own accord, in his clear conscience. Oh what beauty this is, how supreme Gods plan.
Turn the TV off! Turn the "music" off! Turn the video games off! Stop spewing nonsense from your mouth! Take a deep breath and clear your mind of all the clutter! Take some time to think, listen, ponder, research, verify, validate, and think some more about our blessings, what has been lost, what needs to be done, to preserve what is left to preserve and to re-establish what has been lost of the societal system established through and outlined in the Constitution of the United States of America: the federal government.
"Our destruction ... will be from ... the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence ... I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men, and become the instruments of their own undoing. Make them intelligent, and they will be vigilant; give them the means of detecting the wrong, and the will apply the remedy." (Daniel Webster, June 1, 1837; Works 1:403)
"Truth must be repeated again and again because error is constantly being preached round about us." (Goethe, 1749-1832, quoted in An Enemy Hath Done This, 1969)
A good friend of mind said it best, when he quoted his wife's remark about Obama: "Obama is a wolf in sheeps clothing". This resonated so well when I heard him recount this to me over the phone this evening; I've had this exact thought, in the exact words cross my mind many times along with other similar thoughts. The more that I hear, read, and learn about and from Obama, the more the wolf is revealed. It has become so obvious. To think that I once thought to consider voting for him quite disgusts me now. To be honest, before the last candidate who was "qualified" to become our next commander in chief dropped out, I never really gave him a thought; I knew nothing of him, and had never taken the time to find out who he was or what he is about. I only knew that he was a Democrat and wanted to "change" things. Just what he wanted to change, why, and how, I knew nothing about. So, when my favorite candidate dropped out, and the remaining candidate in my party seemed inadequate to represent my views of government and our country, I told my wife that perhaps we'd better take a look at this Obama character and determine just what we could find out about him, as he may be the best option at this point; Hillary disgusts me and McCain just can't be trusted and is possibly more liberal than Hillary on many issues.
Here's what I've discovered:
- Obama hates the social system as defined in the Constitution and seeks to destroy what remains. (Through his actions of promoting and supporting the enlarging of the federal government through legislation)
- Obama is a demagogue. (He uses rhetoric to gain the support of the unsuspecting and unaware)
- Obama is a liar. (He admitted this himself in his speech addressing racism in a necessary response to the criticism he received from the outrageous teachings of his pastor, spiritual advisor, and campaign committee member)
- Obama is a false prophet. (He professes to teach truth which is in actuality falsehood)
- Obama has no faith in God. (through his statement that he chose a church that most aligned with his personal beliefs) What about truth? How about choosing a religion because you sought truth, prayed to God for guidance, and then discerned which church to join. Any reason less than this raises questions about your sincerity and your honesty with yourself about who you are, where you came from, why you are here, where you are going, how you are going to get there, and how you will affect others on your way.
- Obama is disloyal to his family. (Through his willingness to use his maternal grandmother as a scapegoat to support his rhetoric about racism in some disgusting effort to justify comments made by his hate preaching pastor of who's actions he condones and submits his impressionable young children to)
- Obama is half Caucasian and half African. (Caucasion mother, African father)
- Obama was fortunate to be raised in beautiful Hawaii by his maternal grandparents where he was blessed to be educated at an elite private school where he was "embraced" and allowed him to "grow and prosper" Obama told students and faculty in a return visit in 2004. (Star Tribune, March 26, 2008, Minneapolis, MN)
- Obama had the privilege of attending top universities: Occidental College, Columbia University, Harvard (where he became president of the law school)
- Obama marched with Louis Farrakhan in the Million Man March in 1995 (Steve Sailer On 17 March 2008, blog.vdare.com)
- Obama prefers his black heritage over his white heritage (In his book "Audacity of Hope" he stated that he wished he could get the white blood out of his system)
- Obama has a myopic and naive understanding of the evils, dangers, and threats to the United States from Terorists, Tyrants, and Communists.(his own statements about meeting with Iran without pre-conditions, barackobama.com/issues/foreignpolicy)
- Obama is not qualified to become an FBI agent (dis-qualified per drug use)
- Obama is not qualified to server as a secret service agent (dis-qualified per drug use)
- Obama has terrorist friends (William Ayers)(Remember what your mother taught about the company you keep.)
- Obama is a racist and hates America. (Reflected in the teachings and sermons of his pastor of twenty years, spiritual advisor, and campaign comitte member Reverand Wright, his writings, and his lack of respect for the USA flag through his actions)
- Obama is in-humane (his support of partial birth abortions)
- Obama served one term in the Illinois state senate.
- Obama is serving his first term in the U.S. Senate.
- Obama has poor judgement. (Apparent from above)
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." (Samuel Adams, 1776; , p. 808)
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. (Bible, New Testament, Matthew 7: 15)
Right Campaigns
- John McCain for President - Sarah Palin for Vice President
- Collins Bailey GOP Candidate for - U.S. Congress Maryland 5th Congressional District
- Charles Jay for President - Boston Tea Party
- Teddy Fleck - Libertarian Candidate - Missouri Lt. Governor
- Doug Patterson - Consitution Candidate - Oregon - U.S. Congress - 5th District
Right Links
- We Have the Power - documentary by Newt
- Rediscovering God in America - documentary by Newt
- Newt Gingrich - Former Speaker of the House
- Boston Tea Party
- Liberty Straw Poll
- Libertarian Party
- World Net Daily - news
- Patriot Front - blog
- Sean Hannity - radio - tv
- Curtis Sliwa - radio
- Laura Ingraham - radio
- The Palin Lipstick Brigade - All Sarah, All the Time
- The Real Democrat Story
- The National Republican Congressional Committee
- wizbang - blog
- Little Green Footballs
- Ashbrook Center for Publishing Affairs
- Hot Air - blog
- The Heritage Foundation
- Rush Limbaugh - talk radio
- Mark Levin - talk radio
- America's Revival - Alan Keyes
Maryland - U.S. Congressional District 5
Maryland - Calvert County
General Politics
Other Links
- Story Corps - the conversation of a lifetime
- Department of Defense Small Business Innovation Research Resource Center
- Department of Defense Small Business Innovation Research Small Business Technology Transfer
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
- WSI Complete Online Solutions - Internet Consulting and Education
- Show Hope - charity - adoption - orphans
- WGTS 91.9 Family Friendly Radio Station
- Talk of The Town Toastmasters Club - Lexington Park, Maryland MD
- Get Things Done (GTD) - David Allen - Mastering Workflow
- Dictionary.com
Reformation Ideas
- understanding and comprehension of U.S. constitution demonstrated
- secret clearance obainment required
- strict accountability for oaths and promises made
- no campaigning while serving a term elected to fulfill
- term limits for all elected officials