Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Democrats Have Already Won - McCain Is Their Man

Why didn't the Democratic Party pick a candidate that has a chance of winning?

Why didn't they pick a candidate that is qualified?

Why would they set themselves up to lose?

It doesn't make sense; does it?

Perhaps their plan has really been to get McCain elected. If he ran as a Democrat,
McCain would get beat by a true conservative Republican. With McCain masquerading as a
Republican, the Democrats have already knocked out the real Republicans.

Think about it. I mean, really; an unknown freshman senator with no experience and no
achievements; no leadership; no success to speak of. A former first lady who can answer
the phone at 3 AM.

They had to know that neither had a chance to win it all. I'm sure they did an extensive
background check on Obama and knew that America would not take lightly his associations with
Reverend Wright and William Ayers. Surely, they read his books to learn what his true thoughts
and feelings are. They must have noticed his lack of patriotism by his subtle actions such
as refusing to display the American flag on his person and not holding his hand to his heart
during the pledge of allegiance.

The only thing that makes sense is that the Democrat leaders and McCain planned this
together from the outset.

Now the Dems have the luxury and freedom to see if they can get a true socialist in The White House. Either way, conservatives lose. The only question, is by how much.

So, this leads to another question; Why hasn't the Republican party caught onto this and kicked McCain out of the party?

As far as I'm concerned, I needn't bother showing up to the polls to vote for president in the upcoming general election. This will be the first time since I've been able to vote that I do not cast a ballot in the presidential contest. The only thing that would cause me to reconsider; to give me something to get excited about, would be if McCain selects Mitt Romney as his running mate, or someone at least as conservative as Mitt with at least as much proven leadership success and integrity. But, being the maverick that he is, the chance is slim to none.

May God bless America!

Reformation Ideas

  • understanding and comprehension of U.S. constitution demonstrated
  • secret clearance obainment required
  • strict accountability for oaths and promises made
  • no campaigning while serving a term elected to fulfill
  • term limits for all elected officials