Sunday, July 19, 2009

hello again

ok, it's been awhile since I've updated anything on this blog. This blog was my first one and since then I've started blogs on techncal aspects of my laptop model, the politics, and most recently Toastmasters.

This blog I intended to continue primarily for posting information about my son James on his mission. I have failed to keep up with that. Probably nobody is even looking at this site anyway. As I said before, this blog, as well as my others, have always been about me; about helping me organize my thoughts, feelings, and ideas for later referrence. It just turns out that it also is an easy way to simply refer others to particular posts where I've already expressed my ideas and/or discovered information about specific issues and topics. So, if anyone has checked her previously for updates about James' mission; I apologize. I'm busy like everyone else and things drop off the table from time to time. My intention now is to renew a concerted effort to post information here about things that don't pertain to my other blogs. This includes but is not limited to updates on James while serving his mission and religious topics which will naturally be from my perspective as a member of the the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Things of a more personal nature and/or that I don't want to share immediately with the world will be recorded in my private journal at for passing on to my posterity; perhaps published in print at some time in the future. There may be overlap and/or cross posting between my blogger/blogspt blogs in part, but I'll attempt to avoid this; and rather referrence the article with a hyper link.

In addition, I also started blogging at awhile ago but have not posted anything in a very long while. This goes with my personality of stretching myself too thin and stacking up too much on my plate. I always have the best of intentions but not a realistic vision of the limitations of the time space continuom.

Just one more note on my view of the utility and usefulness of this blog format/forum. Primarily I have found that it is a good brainstorming medium; to put stuff down quickly from thought to paper, or digital memory, rather in this case. So, proper punctuation, spelling, and grammer will more often than not, not be followed as it obstructs from the free flow of information from the brain. If you ever had creative writing in college, than you can relate to the practice of brainstorm writing as the first thing you do,; the starting point for literary works. This is the same.

I also have gotten involved with facebook for sharing information. I'd like to figure out a way to stream my posts, messages, links, notes; basically everything that I do on facebook, to a blog; or rather someplace that I can easily go through them all and select what I can reuse;harvest, in articles and posts here and elsewhere. So much happens, so fast on facebook and life in general that it can be, often, mind boggling and frustrating to the mind; to exhaustion and overload. I've found that I need to back away every now and then. Even just not get onto the computer or even look at my email that gets sent to my cell/mobile phone. Oh to be living the simple life without all of these technological wonders at our fingertips.

I watched a movie "Knowing" with Nicholas Cage starring last night. I hadn;t watched a movie in quite some time since it is a massive drain of time, but last night was one of those times where/when I just needed a break; some mindless drivel. Not to think too much; not to write. TO just gel and watch. It was ok, not pure entertainment. Not sure what the main message was. Could have been about determinism. It came up in the movie. Nicolas' Cage character was a professor at MIT and on one scene he discusses the two opposing views of earth and its place in the univers: determinism (Creationism) and/or randomness; that it all just happens by chance. In the end he is converted to determinism and rejoins with his diparted father for many years who is a pastor. There is a tragic ending, but also what could be looked at as a greater good ending.

Ok, I'm not doing movie reviews here. ANyway its what flowed. So, since its the Sabbath today I wanted to stay on mor spiritual matters, and that is what I'll do.

Reformation Ideas

  • understanding and comprehension of U.S. constitution demonstrated
  • secret clearance obainment required
  • strict accountability for oaths and promises made
  • no campaigning while serving a term elected to fulfill
  • term limits for all elected officials