Saturday, July 26, 2008

Obama - Senate Banking Comittee

I heard Obama say "my senate banking committee".

Does this mean that he is the head, president, chair of the senate banking committee, or simply that he is a member of that committee?

I did some research and found that:

There is a senate committee named "Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs".

Here is the committee membership list from the committee's website:

Democrat Republican
Christopher J. Dodd Chairman (D-CT) Richard C. Shelby Ranking Member (R-AL)
Tim Johnson (D-SD) Robert F. Bennett (R-UT)
Jack Reed (D-RI) Wayne Allard (R-CO)
Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) Michael B. Enzi (R-WY)
Evan Bayh (D-IN) Chuck Hagel (R-NE)
Tom Carper (D-DE) Jim Bunning (R-KY)
Robert Menendez (D-NJ) Mike Crapo (R-ID)
Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI) Elizabeth Dole (R-NC)
Sherrod Brown (D-OH) Mel Martinez (R-FL)
Robert P. Casey (D-PA) Bob Corker (R-TN)
Jon Tester (D-MT)

I don't see Barrack H. Obama (D-IL) anywhere on the list; do you?

I tried to contact Senator Dodd via his website, but he had a statement that he only repsonds to citizens of Connecticut. Perhaps a reader from Connecticut can follow up on this and let me know what his response is. (thanks. I'd appreciate it)

So, I went to Senator Shelby's web site and submitted the following inquiry:

Barrack Obama said the other day that he was head of or at least a member of the Senate Banking Committee. However, I did not see his name listed on the membership roll. Was he referring to another banking committee, or does the membership list on the committee's website need to be updated?

We'll see what Senator Shelby has to say about this.

For good measure, I also sent the same inquiry to my two senators from Maryland of which I am a constituent, even though they are not on the committee. (Barbara Mikulski and Benjamin Cardin)

I get the feeling that this is another one of Obama's deceptions.

The committee also has a contact-us form on their website, so I submitted an inquiry there as well:

Why is Mr. Dodd listed as chair of the committee? Obama stated that this was his committee. Why isn't Barrack on the membership list?


Obama's Embarassing Language

United States presidential candidate Barrack Hussein Obama recently publicly stated that we Americans are an embarrassment when we go to Europe and can't speak any languages other than English. He stated that we need to make sure that our children can speak Spanish, and that we should be able to say more than "merci beaucoup" in French. However, while on his current media tour to the middle east and Europe, I didn't hear him speaking any other language beside English; and he had great difficulty with that, stuttering and blubbering through incoherent sentences. Should we Americans not be embarrassed with him.? Yes, he is the real embarrassment. Dear God, please let this atrocity end soon!

Some questions for Mr. Obama: (if you have any of the answers, please provide)

Q: How many languages can you speak and what are they? (1, English; barely)

Q: With currently more than 600 languages spoken amongst the citizens, visitors, and illegal aliens of the United States, which languages should it be mandatory for Americans to speak and with what proficiency? (Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese, German, French, Tagalig, Sioux, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Thai, ...)

Q: What about writing? With what proficiency should Americans be required to write; and in what languages? I understand that there is a great lack of ability for English writing skills amongst your constituents in Chicago.

Q: Have you ever heard of Toastmasters International? It is an organization that has clubs all over the world that meet on a weekly basis to hone their public speaking and communication skills. Perhaps you should seek out membership in one of these clubs. You will most likely receive the "ah" award for the most ah's, um's, and other grammar mistakes, but the constructive criticism and practice will help you improve in this area. I know it has helped me.

Q: I thought that you have professed to be a great uniter of the people. Wouldn't you agree that a nation and people that speak a common language so that they understand each other, understand the constitution, government, and laws that establish their liberties and freedoms is crucial, liberating, and essential for their own self interest?

(citations, quotations, and references forthcoming; available upon request)

Reformation Ideas

  • understanding and comprehension of U.S. constitution demonstrated
  • secret clearance obainment required
  • strict accountability for oaths and promises made
  • no campaigning while serving a term elected to fulfill
  • term limits for all elected officials