Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Another Bailout Post on Greta Wire - In Response to the idiot posters

Here's what I wrote at www.gretawire.com in response to some ridiculous posts. I just couldn't resist:

Obama blew the meeting in D.C. that McCain is getting all the blame for. Reid and Pelosi gave Barry the floor as the leader of their party and he basically derailed the negotiation meeting by attacking from the moment he opened his mouth. Why do you think dingy Harry Reid stormed out of the meeting? He was furious with the inability of his party's new "leader" to negotiate.

see http://www.amspec.org/blogger.asp?BlogID=14879
or http://chicagoagainstobama.wordpress.com/

KatyO, in thie forum, said that "your guy" McCain rode in to save the day. For one, he's not our guy. While McCain is a great American and a Patriot, he's not true to conservative ideals. However, he's infinitely better than Barry the Lying Hawaiian Marxist.

McCain did the right thing when he was asked to come assist with the problem. He stayed true to his theme of putting his country first, suspending his campaign, regardless of possible negative rhetoric. He then suggested that Obama come as well, who came against his will, kicking and screaming, and doing his best to vote "present" and not take a stand on the issue. However, McCain has done wrong thing by supporting the bill that was voted on today. He should have stood firm in opposition to a bailout in any form. I'm disappointed in him for that.

Bush has been a great president who has done a remarkable job keeping our country safe since 9/11/2001. However, like McCain, he disappoints from time to time. The fact that he even proposed the current Wall Street Bailout is shameful. It's a clear socialist move that is absolutely disgusting. How he could have selected Paulson is also quite an atrocity.

Anyone that says McCain and Bush are the same (including KatyO who stated in this forum that McCain is a Bush clone) is completely idiotic, as McCain's resistance to Bush and Paulson's initial proposal reiterated and re-affirmed McCain's maverick style.

One more thing for KatyO; if it wasn't for Republicans you'd be subject to a complete communist state by now. Of course, it sounds like that would suite you, so never mind. But, you can thank us anyway! Furthermore, to say "no more Republicans" is disavowing a wide range of people. There is quite a large group of overlapping population between the two parties who share common positions and ideals. It would be better to be more specific, and use terms such as conservative, libertarian, socialist, Marxist, anarchist, liberal, progressive, etc.

Another thing to think about is why the congressional Democrats didn't pass the bill on their own. They have the power, as they have the majority and control both the House and the Senate.

Oh, and KatyO, we don't blame your boy Obama for everything. He's just an empty suit; a teleprompter reader; a puppet in the hands of David Axelrod and the terrorist William Ayers, molded by Saul Alyinski who praised Lucifer as the first of all Radicals. Your boy is just a puppet in the hands of the evil puppet master himself, grasping for the power of the presidency of our republic.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." Samuel Adams

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Axelrod_(political_consultant)
2. http://quotes.liberty-tree.ca/quotes_by/samuel+adams
3. http://worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=75101 "Radical leftist's son: 'Obama learned his lesson well' Child of Saul Alinsky sees Democratic Party using his father's methods"
4. http://www.tysknews.com/News/tracking_obama.htm
5. http://www.tysknews.com/ - Thought You Should Know
6. http://www.tysknews.com/Articles/dnc_corruption.htm
7. www. gretawire.com

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Bailout Bu$t: Weigh In ‘On the Record’!!!

During "On The Record With Greta" tonight on Fox News, I commented on her blog at, http://gretawire.foxnews.com/2008/09/29/its-showtime-pose-your-questions-comments-here/#comment-2134975, on the question about the $700 bailout failure. Here is what I wrote:

It is fundamentally wrong to distribute the debt and responsibility for bad decisions and poor judgment to all tax payers and to rob from those responsible the lessons to be learned; to deny them the experience to improve their judgment so that the same mistakes are not made again. This imposes undue burden on individuals that impedes their ability to pursue happiness and hampers their liberty.

Now is the time to CLEAN THE HOUSE! CLEAN THE SENATE! Down with Reid! Down with Pelosi! Down with Hoyer! Out with Obama! Out with Clinton! The most corrupt among us, the very enemies within that seek to destroy our free society are those at the helm of power. Why they continue to get re-elected, is due to the peoples comfortable complacency! Wake up America!

We thank God this day for answering our prayers and stopping any form of a bailout for Wall Street! Thank you for the few honorable Republicans in the House and those that stood with them in opposition to the bill that was put forth for a vote!

No Bailout! Thank You House Republicans!

Good: Thomas System opens legislation for you to review

On Friday, Sep. 26, 2008, while listening to the Rush Limbaugh program, I learned that during the 1990's there was an act passed that create the Thomas System where all legislation measures must be posted and available for the public to review, before they go across the President's desk.

I did some research and believe that this is the link: http://thomas.loc.gov/

I've checked it out a bit looking for the current $700B wall street bailout, but haven't been able to find it. However, it does look like there is a plethora of past legislation available.

Take a look.

Wrong: ACORN to benefit from wall street bailout

Can you believe what the Democrats try to sneak under our noses! Corruption is rampant in our congress! The very people that we've elected and pay to represent our freedoms and liberty seek to undermine our government as they push towards a socialist society where they are the ruling elite.

From Rush Limbaugh's radio show on 20080926, see http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_092608/content/01125109.guest.html, quoting Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina:

Twenty percent of the money that should go to retire debt that would be created to solve this problem winds up in a housing organization called ACORN that is an absolute ill-run enterprise."

"Let me tell you what happened, because I was here. We were meeting with House Republicans to try to get 'em into the mix and you had I think six members of Congress meet by themselves in the morning, yesterday morning to go to the press, announce an agreement they never told their colleagues about. At lunch when this agreement was discussed in a Republican Senate conference, two-thirds of our conference could never sign on to it because 20% of the money -- could be billions of dollars -- instead of retiring debt that will be created to get us out of the mess, 20% of it will be directed to housing programs like ACORN that are under investigation."

Thank You Senator Graham for speaking the truth and standing for the right!

However, it appears that he still is in favor of supporting some sort of a measure. Of course I am opposed to any bailout measure whatsoever.

more on Senator Lindsey Graham:
http://freedomfolks.com/blog/?p=687 "Senator Grahamnesty I Presume?" by Jake

Wrong: McCain on Bailout

I am very upset that apparently John McCain would support the bailout in any way.

From the article, 'Obama: McCain's Role in Bailout 'Katrina-Like'
by the AP, Monday, September 29, 2008
at http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/09/29/mccain-obama-reluctant-accepting-bailout/:

"Let's get this deal done, signed by the president, and get moving, because the real effect of this is going to restore some confidence, and get some credit out there, and get the economic system moving again, which is basically in gridlock today," McCain told "This Week" on ABC.

McCain said the $700 billion bailout for the hobbled financial markets "is something that all of us will swallow hard and go forward with. The option of doing nothing is simply not an acceptable option." Obama said he was inclined to back it "because I think Main Street is now at stake."

Wrong John!

It is fundamentally wrong to distribute the debt and responsibility for bad decisions and poor judgment to all tax payers and to rob from those responsible the lessons learned; to deny them the experience to improve their judgment so that the same mistakes are not made again. This imposes undue burden on individuals that impedes their ability to pursue happiness and hampers their liberty.

Bad John!

Here is what I sent to him a few minutes ago via his website at www.johnmccain.com/contact

I am angry that you would support any kind of a bailout for wall street. It is simply wrong.

It makes me want to take down the McCain/Palin signs that I have in my yard and rip off the bumper stickers on my cars. Who knows, he may yet anger me so much that I may not vote for him on election day. Now, don't think that that means that I'll vote for Obama. There's simply no way in hell that that would ever happen.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Plea to congress - No Bailout!

I wrote my three congressmen today, asking them to oppose any further government bailouts. If you live in district 5 of Maryland, here are the links to email our senators and representative:
Senator Benjamin Cardin - http://cardin.senate.gov/contact/email.cfm
Senator Barbara Mikulski - http://mikulski.senate.gov/Contact/contact.cfm
Representative Steny Hoyer - http://hoyer.house.gov/contact/email.asp

Subject: Wall Street Bailout - please oppose


Dear Mr. Cardin,
Dear Mrs. Mikulski,
Dear Mr. Hoyer,

As one of your constituents, I am urging you to strongly oppose any form of a bailout for Wall Street. It is fundamentally wrong and contrary to our individual liberties as established in our national constitution that you swore an oath to uphold and defend. Please have integrity and do the right thing.

Remember that the correct choice is not always the easiest. Sometimes trials and tribulation must be endured for growth of the individual or organization to occur and robustness to set in. The hard lessons that can only be learned through the realization and suffering of consequences resulting from poor judgment and decisions are integral for true correction to ensue. Without it, progress is denied.

The corruption and plethora of poor judgment that abounds in the government of our nation is of utmost disgust. I remain, as I always have been, proud to be an American and long for the day that I may say that I am also proud of my government and sure that my God given rights to liberty and unimpeded pursuit of happiness is being protected and defended in good faith.

I thank you for taking the time to read my plea and consider what I have asked. I only ask that you do what you have pledged to do. It's really a no-brainier.

You will surely gain my respect and appreciation, should you choose the right. As well, you will further my disdain for you, if you fail.

May God bless you.

Hyrum Shewell

I urge you to draft a similar plea to all of your public servants who represent you in our national government, and submit it to them without delay. As well, you may also want to place a phone call to them. If there has ever been a time to get involved and make your voice heard, now is that time!

God speed my friends! May God bless our great nation and allow us to continue to enjoy the liberties and freedom that yet remains.

Emmys? Why air them? Who cares?

I noticed watching the news tonight that the emmys, an award ceremony for Hollywood actors, recently took place and that the nielson ratings showed a 6% drop in viewership compared with last year. My question is, why anyone would be interested in watching the ceremony, besides the actors themselves, who are for the most part in attendance. I just don't understand why it would be broadcast for the general audience. Of course, I also never understand why anyone would pay any attention to magazines like "People" that cover the lives of film and television celebrities.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Pelosi's Non Energy Bill

I just had to send my congressman my sentiments, feelings, and desires regarding the stance and resistance he should take toward her new "non" energy bill.

Seriously, does she take us for fools. Doesn't she realize that the least among us, the American people, are smarter, brighter, and wiser than her.

Mr. Hoyer,

Please do not support Pelosi's new energy bill; rather oppose it. It adds far too many restrictions. We would be better off letting the current moratorium expire on Oct 1.

Please let me know how you are opposing Pelosi and her foolishness and frankly disgusting abuse of her power and violation of her oath

"I, (name of Member), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."

I doubt that she can protect us from herself. That's where you come in. We, your constituents in district 5, have entrusted you with the responsibility to fight for us; to be our eyes, ears, and mouth in the house. I hope that you have the integrity and fortitude to uphold your oath, and make us proud.

Perhaps you can provide Nancy with a copy of our constitution, on this Constitution Day, and advise her to study it, and perhaps do us a favor and submit her resignation without delay.

Thank you,

I suggest that you all write similar letters to your congressmen.

see these links for infromation about Nancy Pelosi's sham of a bill:
1. Pelosi’s Energy Bill is a Sham, posted September 16th, 2008 at 11.59am at http://blog.heritage.org/2008/09/16/pelosis-energy-bill-is-a-sham/
2. Kill This No Drill Bill, posted September 16th, 2008 at 3.15pm at http://blog.heritage.org/2008/09/16/kill-this-no-drill-bill/

Obama Guilty of Felony - Violation of the Logan Act

from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logan_Act
The Logan Act is a United States federal law that forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments. It was passed in 1799 and last amended in 1994. Violation of the Logan Act is a felony, punishable under federal law with imprisonment of up to three years.

according to New York Post article "OBAMA TRIED TO STALL GIS' IRAQ WITHDRAWAL" by Amir Taheri on September 15, 2008 at http://www.nypost.com/seven/09152008/postopinion/opedcolumnists/obama_tried_to_stall_gis_iraq_withdrawal_129150.htm, Obama is guilty of violating the Logan Act and thereby has committed a felony and should be brought to trial and punished with imprisonment for up to three years. Let's pursue it.

Write to your senators and congressmen and ask for an investigation to be conducted.

I wrote my congressman from Maryland District 5, Steny Hoyer, via his website at http://hoyer.house.gov/
as well as my senators:
Senator Barbara Mikulski at http://mikulski.senate.gov/
Senator Benjamin Cardin at http://cardin.senate.gov/

This is what I wrote:

Congressman Hoyer,

Please initiate an investigation of the allegations that, while on a recent visit to Iraq this past July, Senator Obama violated the Logan Act by asking Iraqi leaders to delay any agreement regarding U.S. troop withdrawal until after the formation of the next U.S. President's administration.

If true, then Obama has committed a felony and should be brought to trial and punished with imprisonment for up to three years.

I look forward to hearing back from you with an analysis of the findings from your research and a report on any action taken.

This and follow up communications relating to this matter will form the basis for an article and speech that I will be presenting to the public in our district.

I appreciate your attention to my concerns and inquiries.

I have sent a similar letter to both Senator Cardin and Senator Mikulski.

Thank you very much,
Hyrum Shewell

Pelosi Apple From The Same Tree

Surprise surprise, Nancy Pelosi has a daughter!!! I thought she was pro-abortion, anti-life. This really threw me for a loop, but for the first time I actually had a good feeling toward Nanci Pelosi. That is, until her daughter, Christina Pelosi spoke.

Christina was a guest commentator on Hannity and Colmes show on Fox News tonight, 20080916. She definitely proved to be just as much of an idiot and enemy to the state as her mother.

She was speaking ill of Governor Palin, our new champion for liberty and reform in America. Our last, best hope.

Question: Why does Fox News, the suppossed conservative news channel bring on so many liberal kooks? It's bad enough that they make us put up with Colmes on a regular basis.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Clueless: Chevy Chase - another one bites the dust - no, not him too

It is with much dismay that I announce that one of my favorite all time comedians and actors, Chevy Chase, is an idiot and enemy to liberty.

see the AP article "Chevy Chase Wants Tina Fey to 'Decimate' Sarah Palin", Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,423126,00.html

The article quoted Chase as saying the following, speaking about the GOP's Vice Presidential nominee, Governor Sarah Palin:'
This woman is, I can't believe there hasn't been more about it. ... It's just unbelievable to me this woman is actually running for vice president," he continued.

Me neither. I can't believe that at this time this person has been discovered who is exactly what we need. A true patriot who believes in God, truth, the battle of good and evil, life at conception, protecting and defending the least of those among us. She is a proven destroyer of corruption and a reformer. She has shown honesty, integrity, strength, and character.

She is who she appears to be. She never aspired to political power, but rose to the occasion because she realized that she was and is the best for the job, and has confidence in her abilities and readiness.

She's solid and true!

You can't say even a portion of those qualities about any other politician that I know of!

We are lucky that we have found her and just precisely at this time that we need her.

What the f*$% is Chevy Chase talking about. I'm convinced that his brain has become warped from his time in Hollywood. Or maybe he's been drinking that fresh squeezed wheat grass that those deranged tree hugging environmental wackos who live on the west coast are so fond of. It seems to be happening to more and more of them.

No, I'm not going to ban his movies. I'll always love Christmas Vacation and Caddy Shack, but I just wish he and the rest in that industry will realize that they may be good at one thing, and then stick to that. If they were smart, they would keep their anti-liberty anti-patriotic sentiments and statements to themselves. Of course, I guess if they had any sense they wouldn't harbor those evil and detrimental views and beliefs. It really diminishes the entertainment value of their product and work.

Congratulations Chevy! You've now joined the Hollywood anti-patriot ranks of Will Smith, Barbara Streisand, Matt Damon, Susan Sarandon, Pamela Anderson, Lindsey Lohan, Tim Robbins, ...

Cavuto vs. Oreilly on Big Oil

Tonight on the Oreilly Factor, on Fox News, Cavuto set Oreilly straight on his "big oil" price gouging theory.

This is one of my problems with Bill Oreilly, so it was very refreshing to here Cavuto speaking truth to him.

Bill went on to say how the president and government should be doing something about it. Wrong Bill! That is not the government's role; it is not the proper role of government to regulate and muck with the free market. Cavuto set him straight on this as well.

Bill closed by stating their differing points of view and Cavuto followed with a joke about how Bill had hurt his feelings; that he was mean to him. I got a chuckle out of that and cooled off the steam that I had built up over Bill's comments.

Whoo rah! Go Cavuto!

Clueless: Lib Levin Caller - Thanks For Moving Conservative Reform Forward

I was listening to Mark Levin's show from yesterday, 20080915, while I was working out at the gym tonight and this guy calls in from New York, I think. Listen to how stupid he was; they never cease to amaze me. He was giving Mark a hard time about how Republicans weren't on board with Senator McCain until Palin came onto the ticket. He pointed out that "us" Obama supporters have been behind Barrack the whole time from the start of the Primaries.

His initial observation is correct, about the lack of support that McCain had during the primaries and up until the RNC.

From there he is obviously clueless. He makes a presumption that Mark is a drone Republican. Mark has pointed out many times that he doesn't work for the GOP. If this guy would have listened to the show through the primaries he would have heard Mark railing on McCain almost as much as he did to the candidates from the Democrat party. Republicans don't just fall in line. The conservative base was not in favor of McCain. That's why his decision to choose a solid conservative energized the base, and united the party, bringing the strong support that the McCain ticket now enjoys. I think Rush went so far as to refer to McCain as "McBrilliant".

I often think about the many things that the Obama campaign has done wrong strategically. Since their campaign is strictly strategic, this has been and will continue to be detrimental. All theey had to do was shut up and stop telling lies. McCain might not have realized the necessity of rallying the conservitaves, and listening to us. He might have chosen a moderate or a liberal for a running mate, conservatives would have stayed home on election day or voted for the Libertarian or Constitution party, and Barrack would have had it in the bag. Conservatives would have hunkered down for the next four years until there would have then been a Reaganesque revolution. So, it is to the stupidity, the arrogance, the audacity of the liberal, marxist, democrat, socialist elitists and drones that we owe the credit. In effect they have spoiled their own party and moved the conservative surge forward 4 years.

So, THANK YOU to this clueless lib caller and the diminishing drone base to witch he belongs.

Wrong: Streisand


Barbra Streisand headlines fundraiser for Obama

Another Hollywood enemy of the state. I think we all knew Barbara was a leftist idiot anyway. Why do these people hate us and our country so? There are plenty of other places for them to live. Why do the people that benefit the most from our free capitalistic economy do the most damage by supporting the most corrupt politicians. Obama and the likes are the ones that are opposite the people. As you know, he was one of the top benefactors of Fannie Mae, of which we the people are now responsible for insuring it's bad investments.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mind Your Business Senator Kohl

Congress to cell carriers: Why have SMS rates doubled?

(italicized text are direct copy from the article at the URL listed above)

Why have texting rates doubled?

(Is texting a word?) I don't think so.

Senator Herb Kohl, chairman of the Senate’s antitrust panel, poses this question to the big four cell phone networks. So, what gives?

I ask the real question: why is the government asking the cell phone companies about their rates? It's none of their business. Don't we believe in a free market?

The question posed by Senator Herb Kohl should is quite alarming.

"I am concerned with whether this consolidation and increased market power by the major carriers has contributed to this doubling of text-messaging rates over the last three years," wrote Kohl, who gave the carriers a month to justify their higher SMS rates.

So, now the government is demanding justification from a company for raising the price of a service or product?

Frankly, this is altogether wrong!

It's wrong that Senator Kohl has this at the top of his list of concerns.

It's wrong that Senator Kohl believes that it is his responsibility to watch companies

It's wrong that Senator Kohl is wasting his time on the job on a matter like this when he has responsibility to his constituents, and all citizens of are nation who pay his salary, to devote his time to defending their liberties.

I know he probably thinks that he is defending the citizens "right" to low prices.

Of all things, anyway; sending text messages on a cell phone. For one, a cell phone is not a necessary item. People have lived for thousands of years without them. My wife and I are actually getting rid of ours altogether when our contract expires in a few months. It's become a nuisance to be disturbed by something that one pays for. Beyond that, the "texting" service is superfluous. I never have used that feature and I don't understand the reason for it. Like I've told my son, if I want to contact somebody, it's much simpler and efficient to simply speak to them. Otherwise, an email will suffice.

Let the phone companies raise the price of services they provide as high as they want. The consumer will decide when the price is too high, by choosing to not pay for that service. Then the service provider will lower the price until it makes a profit, or deem to not offer the service any longer, if it can't make a profit at the price that consumers are willing to pay for. Do you see how simple, yet beautifully the free market works when allowed to do so.

According to the latest numbers from CTIA (the organization that represents the wireless industry), U.S. texters sent 2.5 billion SMS messages in June—each day, mind you, or 78 billion messages for the month.

If I were a wireless service provider, I would be raising prices too!

So, what do you think: Are the big four carriers trying to gouge us with text messaging? Would you dump your bundled texting plan if individual messages were more affordable?

Like I said, the smart thing to do is to make as much profit as possible. I don't have a bundled "texting" plan, nor do I use the service or find any value in it, so the comparable price of individual message prices would have no bearing.


research links

Reformation Ideas

  • understanding and comprehension of U.S. constitution demonstrated
  • secret clearance obainment required
  • strict accountability for oaths and promises made
  • no campaigning while serving a term elected to fulfill
  • term limits for all elected officials