Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Finally, a presidential candidate to believe in!

Tonight, I stumbled upon some debates from 2004 between Barrack Obama and Alan Keyes and I was amazed. Alan far outshined Obama; he was answering questions directly and logically; and he made sense; he spoke the truth. What he said resonated well with me. I listened and watched until I had watched and listened to over two hours of video and audio footage from 2004 and the current 2008 campaign season.

He is true conservative! He beleives in the constitution of the United States of America and the principles that it sets forth.

He is a man that I can get excited about supporting! He puts McCain to shame, from a conservative perspective. The only other candidate that that comes close is Mitt Romney.

Click the banner above to learn more about Alan Keyes and his positions on current major issues.

Reformation Ideas

  • understanding and comprehension of U.S. constitution demonstrated
  • secret clearance obainment required
  • strict accountability for oaths and promises made
  • no campaigning while serving a term elected to fulfill
  • term limits for all elected officials