Friday, May 16, 2008

Patriotism Questioned in the wake of Michelle Obama's bleak remarks now featured in campaign ads

Tonight Hannity and Colmes had 3 panelists on their show. One of them was a woman from Occidental college, Obama's alma mater, that couldn't answer any question with a simple yes or no; typical of the likes of Obama or any other liberal; when faced with a direct question, they avoid a straight answer with questions back to the inquirer; very frustrating; and they do this over and over when the inquirer has to continue to repeat the question in an attempt to get an answer. This is why I can't handle watching TV news for any length; and this was FOX; forget any of the other news channels like MSNBC for example; my head starts to hurt and I get nauseaus within seconds of hearing the idiotic talking heads. Hannity is a clear headed individual who makes sense, but unfortunately he has to put up with Colmes and other news people and guests who just dont seem to have any sense about them. Sometimes I can withstand the idiocy on Hannity's show to watch for some length. Like tonight, for example; although it was almost more than I could bare listening to that dumb blonde from Occidental.

Anyway, the question of patriotism came up and specifically Barrack and Michelle Obama's patriotism was questioned. The main topic for discussion was the content of advertisement by state republican parties that contain Michelle's statements about being proud to be an American for the first time and then clips of various candidates stating their pride in America and how great of a country America. My opinion on the advertisements is very favorable. The point of the ads are not to simply harp on Michelle, but to address the general theme and message that she dispels through comments like those mentioned and other statements she has made in various speeches and public appearances. I get very disgusted listening to her. She presents a theme of doom and gloom in America; how we don't talk to our neighbors and that we can't get ahead no matter how much we try. This just seems so foreign to me. It's not the United States of America that I know. All I can think of is that she is in some alternate dimension or is mentally ill. I mean, I talk to my neighbors almost every night; we hang out on the culdasac in the evening; the kids play and the adults socialize. I am reaching goals and achieving my dreams continually. I'm the oldest of 11 children, neither of my parents have university degrees. I started earning money to buy my own school clothes when I was 12 years old picking strawberries in the summer. I paid my own little league fees and continued to work through high school. I served in the Navy, which provided me with the means to attend college and earn a Bachelors degree. I gained good employment in a fulfilling career, earned a Masters degree, married a wonderful woman, and am raising three (so far) wonderful children (2 whom we've been fortunate enough to adopt).

We enjoy a comfortable wonderful life while enjoying our freedoms and liberties that our fore fathers have paid so dearly for. That of which we see slowly eroding from our republican system of government instituted by our heaven inspired national constitution. So, the message of an oppressive America where one cannot get ahead that Michelle and Barrack preach is completely foreign to me. And who is it that is destroying our freedoms and liberties? It is the Obamas, the Clintons, and their socialist counterparts who seek and hold positions of power and authority within our Government. It is they who are the enemy within. They are the wolves in sheep clothing. They are the false prophets of whom we have been warned in scripture.

...Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence hath it tares?

He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. - Matthew 13:27-28

And what about John McCain? He is our enemy as well. He may not be a socialist. I believe he truly loves our country, and he has made great sacrifices for America. However, he does not hold up the constitution of America and defend our freedoms and liberties it defines and is designed to protect. To be honest, I don't know what he stands for. He appears to be a quintessential politician, who panders to the left and the right depending on who he is in front of at the time and which way the wind is blowing at a particular time. He's seeking power for himself; for his own ego. He is a different kind of enemy, but still an enemy.

And so, as I've said before, we are lacking a real statesman. We need a leader. We need someone who knows truth and will stand up for the truth; someone who knows, understands, and believes in the constitution of the United States of America, and the dangers that come from disregarding it and the principles it sets forth .

Reformation Ideas

  • understanding and comprehension of U.S. constitution demonstrated
  • secret clearance obainment required
  • strict accountability for oaths and promises made
  • no campaigning while serving a term elected to fulfill
  • term limits for all elected officials