Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Clueless: Chevy Chase - another one bites the dust - no, not him too

It is with much dismay that I announce that one of my favorite all time comedians and actors, Chevy Chase, is an idiot and enemy to liberty.

see the AP article "Chevy Chase Wants Tina Fey to 'Decimate' Sarah Palin", Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,423126,00.html

The article quoted Chase as saying the following, speaking about the GOP's Vice Presidential nominee, Governor Sarah Palin:'
This woman is, I can't believe there hasn't been more about it. ... It's just unbelievable to me this woman is actually running for vice president," he continued.

Me neither. I can't believe that at this time this person has been discovered who is exactly what we need. A true patriot who believes in God, truth, the battle of good and evil, life at conception, protecting and defending the least of those among us. She is a proven destroyer of corruption and a reformer. She has shown honesty, integrity, strength, and character.

She is who she appears to be. She never aspired to political power, but rose to the occasion because she realized that she was and is the best for the job, and has confidence in her abilities and readiness.

She's solid and true!

You can't say even a portion of those qualities about any other politician that I know of!

We are lucky that we have found her and just precisely at this time that we need her.

What the f*$% is Chevy Chase talking about. I'm convinced that his brain has become warped from his time in Hollywood. Or maybe he's been drinking that fresh squeezed wheat grass that those deranged tree hugging environmental wackos who live on the west coast are so fond of. It seems to be happening to more and more of them.

No, I'm not going to ban his movies. I'll always love Christmas Vacation and Caddy Shack, but I just wish he and the rest in that industry will realize that they may be good at one thing, and then stick to that. If they were smart, they would keep their anti-liberty anti-patriotic sentiments and statements to themselves. Of course, I guess if they had any sense they wouldn't harbor those evil and detrimental views and beliefs. It really diminishes the entertainment value of their product and work.

Congratulations Chevy! You've now joined the Hollywood anti-patriot ranks of Will Smith, Barbara Streisand, Matt Damon, Susan Sarandon, Pamela Anderson, Lindsey Lohan, Tim Robbins, ...

Reformation Ideas

  • understanding and comprehension of U.S. constitution demonstrated
  • secret clearance obainment required
  • strict accountability for oaths and promises made
  • no campaigning while serving a term elected to fulfill
  • term limits for all elected officials