Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Clueless: Lib Levin Caller - Thanks For Moving Conservative Reform Forward

I was listening to Mark Levin's show from yesterday, 20080915, while I was working out at the gym tonight and this guy calls in from New York, I think. Listen to how stupid he was; they never cease to amaze me. He was giving Mark a hard time about how Republicans weren't on board with Senator McCain until Palin came onto the ticket. He pointed out that "us" Obama supporters have been behind Barrack the whole time from the start of the Primaries.

His initial observation is correct, about the lack of support that McCain had during the primaries and up until the RNC.

From there he is obviously clueless. He makes a presumption that Mark is a drone Republican. Mark has pointed out many times that he doesn't work for the GOP. If this guy would have listened to the show through the primaries he would have heard Mark railing on McCain almost as much as he did to the candidates from the Democrat party. Republicans don't just fall in line. The conservative base was not in favor of McCain. That's why his decision to choose a solid conservative energized the base, and united the party, bringing the strong support that the McCain ticket now enjoys. I think Rush went so far as to refer to McCain as "McBrilliant".

I often think about the many things that the Obama campaign has done wrong strategically. Since their campaign is strictly strategic, this has been and will continue to be detrimental. All theey had to do was shut up and stop telling lies. McCain might not have realized the necessity of rallying the conservitaves, and listening to us. He might have chosen a moderate or a liberal for a running mate, conservatives would have stayed home on election day or voted for the Libertarian or Constitution party, and Barrack would have had it in the bag. Conservatives would have hunkered down for the next four years until there would have then been a Reaganesque revolution. So, it is to the stupidity, the arrogance, the audacity of the liberal, marxist, democrat, socialist elitists and drones that we owe the credit. In effect they have spoiled their own party and moved the conservative surge forward 4 years.

So, THANK YOU to this clueless lib caller and the diminishing drone base to witch he belongs.

Reformation Ideas

  • understanding and comprehension of U.S. constitution demonstrated
  • secret clearance obainment required
  • strict accountability for oaths and promises made
  • no campaigning while serving a term elected to fulfill
  • term limits for all elected officials