Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wrong: Streisand


Barbra Streisand headlines fundraiser for Obama

Another Hollywood enemy of the state. I think we all knew Barbara was a leftist idiot anyway. Why do these people hate us and our country so? There are plenty of other places for them to live. Why do the people that benefit the most from our free capitalistic economy do the most damage by supporting the most corrupt politicians. Obama and the likes are the ones that are opposite the people. As you know, he was one of the top benefactors of Fannie Mae, of which we the people are now responsible for insuring it's bad investments.

Reformation Ideas

  • understanding and comprehension of U.S. constitution demonstrated
  • secret clearance obainment required
  • strict accountability for oaths and promises made
  • no campaigning while serving a term elected to fulfill
  • term limits for all elected officials