Sunday, October 12, 2008

New Blog: Comfortable Complacency

Since the bulk of my blogging has become of a political nature, I've decided to create a new blog devoted explicitly to that subject at All new political posts will be done on that blog. Gradually, past posts will be migrated over. This blog, will revert to more of a general journal of generic and various topics that are not of a political nature. For all I know, I am writing this for no one. But, if by chance there is at least one soul out there that has stumbled upon my blog or any of my posts and have found them interesting, then please visit my new Comfortable Complacency blog.



Thursday, October 09, 2008

2nd Pres debate fodder

I posted the following response (see here) to an article "Obama wins in Nashville" at by Bill Boyarsky on 2008/10/07:

John needs to stop trying to pander to the left. He's sounding too much like Barrack on a few of the issues. He needs to differentiate himself. People need to see a clear distinction.

I was so disgusted about 15 minutes into the debate that I had to turn it off. I flipped it back on again for the last 35 minutes.

It really wasn't an exciting debate at all; rather depressing to say the least. A Marxist liar on the left hand and a panderer on the right.

However, there was a brief respite when Brokaw asked if health care was a right, a privilege, or a responsibility.

I was actually impressed with Obama's response, because he spoke his true belief, and didn't beat around the bush, or even stutter or ramble too much. Like a true socialist, he said that he believes that health care is a right. This is a far cry from the inalienable rights of life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness that our founding fathers declared.

What God has given to man, no government has the right to take away. What the government grants, he can take away. We created government for the sole purpose of protecting our individual rights; not to grant us new rights with the power to withdraw them at will.

I was happy with McCain's response. He stated that he believed health care was a responsibility, not a right granted by government. It's comforting to know that he's at least sensible on a few things. Of course he is still far and away a better option than Obama.

You can't deny from John's record that he truly does love this country, has fought for it, stood up for it, bled and agonized for it, and believes in it and it's people. His perseverance through his 5 years as a prisoner of war, his military service, leadership, and stalwartness in the Senate are all quite commendable and clearly shows his character and good judgment.

On the other hand, Barrack lacks leadership, experience, character, and judgment. He has a Marxist totalitarian ideology and agenda. But, you wouldn't be able to gather all of this from the debate. To think that there are people who would make a voting decision solely based on a debate or two and some carefully crafted deceitful television advertisements is a scary thought indeed.

I believe our last best hope is Sarah Palin; a true and proven reformer who has a solid foundation of correct principles that she holds fast to. She is who she says she is and who she appears to be.

Sarah will bring real change. Not the kind of change and hope that Obama touts.

He speaks of change and writes about the audacity of hope. How about the audacity of Obama. I mean, who writes an autobiography at the age of 34 with no real achievements to speak of? At least Adolf Hitler waited until he was 36 to write "Mein Kampf". Who creates their own presidential seal, and before they're even in office? Who paints over the national symbol with his own? Who has children sing to him? Who refers to the media as a police force? What else does Obama and Hitler have in common?



Pentagon 9/11 Memorial

On Saturday, I took my family to visit the newly opened memorial dedicated to those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001 from the terrorist attacks that crashed a passenger airplane into the Pentagon in Washington D.C.

The memorial was well done and thought provoking. There is a bench dedicated to each person who died from the tragedy, with their name engraved on the end of the bench. If they had family members who also perished in the event, then their names are engraved directly under the bench in a reservoir of water. The benches are organized in a manner such that those that were in the airplane have their names facing towards the building and those that were within the building have their names facing outward. Also, the benches are organized in rows by year of birth posted on either side's surrounding wall.

I explained in as simple terms as possible to my young daughters, Adri and Bella, 7 and 5 years old. They asked "Why, daddy?". Because their are bad people in the world who hate us; our enemies. We are a strong Nation, led by a strong President, who took strong action against our enemies. We have not been attacked since.

"A great people has been moved to defend a great nation. Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shattered steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve.

America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep that light from shining.

Today, our nation saw evil, the very worst of human nature. And we responded with the best of America — with the daring of our rescue workers, with the caring for strangers and neighbors who came to give blood and help in any way they could."
George Bush, Address to the Nation (September 11, 2001)

It pierced my heart and soul to the core as we continued to walk the memorial park grounds and I saw someone wearing an "Obama '08" button. Now I asked a question. How could someone paying respect to our fallen countrymen who died at the hands of terrorists, display at the very site of tragedy, support for another enemy of our state? One who has had close relations with known and convicted terrorist, William Ayers, who bombed the building in front of us about 40 years earlier? I was literally dumbfounded and speechless. I had no answer; only disgust.

The Return of the Students for a Democratic Society

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Springsteen bites the bullet

We got another commie celebrity, Bruce Springsteen, rabble rousing in Philadelphia this weekend. I used to like this guy. But I don't like him enough to listen to him after he hopped on board the deception wagon pulling the wool over thousands of comfortably numb Philadelphians. It makes my stomach turn thinking about how I listened to this socialist sing "Born in the USA"! Aggggh! I want to spit out all those lyrics and melodies out of my head. Say it aint true!!! Ahh, I don't think I have any of those cassette tapes left anymore anyway. Good riddance Bruce; may you rest in peace!

Chew on this, from our father Samuel Adams:

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude
greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us
in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down
and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon
you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.

—Samuel Adams

Think about it!

I choose freedom and liberty! Go get your own country you pessimistic damn bunch of weak excuses for human beings! You don't even acknowledge, appreciate, or want to exercise your inherent rights to liberty, life, property, and the pursuit of happiness bestowed upon every man by God.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Plea to Senator Cardin - No Bailout!

As the senate is about to vote on the wall street bailout act, I sent in a final plea for "no action" to one of my senators from Maryland, Senator Benjamin Cardin:

Regarding the economic bailout for Wall Street that you are about to vote on:

In order to be true to the oath you made when you took office is to vote NO!

It is fundamentally wrong!

Your constituent,
Hyrum Shewell

Wrong: Mikulski on the senate floor - Right: rebuttal

On September 26th, one of my senators from Maryland, Senator Barbara Mikulski, gave a speech on the floor of the Senate. You can read it here:, or listen to it here:, or by calling (800) 511-0763 and entering actuality number 3076.

This is my rebuttal, which I submitted to her via her website at

I read your speech that you delivered last week on the 26th. You stated:

"I thought we need to listen to voters. I’m getting the same kind of e-mails they are, and in the last 72 hours I’ve gotten close to 8,000 emails and only 30 were for this bill. I’ve gotten over 1,300 phone calls and almost all were against the bailout."

Thank you for listening to our voices and promoting them to the rest of congress. However, you got off track from there with your following remarks. You stated:

“Why were they against the bailout? Because they wonder who’s on their side. Who’s looking out for them? Who’s going to bail out their stagnant wages? Who’s going to bail out their rising and escalating health care? Who is going to bail them out when they’re trying to pay their utilities and put gas in the car."

You are wrong! I don't wonder who is on my side! I know that the majority of house democrats are NOT on my side! It is because they have ignored the repeated warnings of President Bush, Senator McCain, and others over the past few years and blocked attempts to make corrections.

Why are Chris Dodd, Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry the top recipients of contributions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack? How did Frank Raines make $90M in a few short years?

The only financial help that I want from the federal government is to take less taxes from me. I don't want help with stagnant wages. I can figure out how to make more money on my own.

I don't want government interfering with rising and escalating health care costs. A freer market will make the appropriate adjustments to sharpen the quality of health care available for a fairer price.

I don't want someone to bail me out when gas and utility prices go higher. I can make the adjustments to my life to deal with it and a free market will adjust properly. I can turn the thermostat down, burn wood for heat, carpool, get a second job, start a new business, etc.

I don't want hand outs!

Our country was built by pilgrims, pioneers, and patriots who persevered through great trials and tribulations and made great sacrifices becoming all the stronger and sturdier through it. This is what made America great!

I don't want government assistance!

I don't want to be punished with the burden of more taxes to pay off an increase in national debt; nor do I want to pass on the burden to my children and grand children.

In your speech, you also stated:

"We listen to them loud and clear and yet, what we need to be able to do is not only respond to them, we need to be able to respond to this credit crisis."

You can respond by doing nothing! Remember, every day that congress meets we lose more of our liberty! Please, do nothing for once.

Are you hearing me? Pass this onto your fellow public servants the next time you take the floor.


The President is wrong on this! The few house republicans in opposition are right! McCain was right, but I fear he is wrong as well, if he goes along with this.

Thank you for listening, and may God bless you with wisdom to do the right thing.

If you have time, please read the following article at

With respect, your constituent,
Hyrum Shewell

- The government's proper role is not to create jobs.
- The government's proper role is not to control wages.
- The government's proper role is not to provide education.
- The government's proper role is not to provide health care.
- The government's proper role is not to control energy production
- The federal government's proper role is only to protect it's citizens natural rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by:
1. defending our nations sovereignty
2. upholding a free market economy
3. establishing and upholding laws that prevent any and all infringement of those rights.

Reformation Ideas

  • understanding and comprehension of U.S. constitution demonstrated
  • secret clearance obainment required
  • strict accountability for oaths and promises made
  • no campaigning while serving a term elected to fulfill
  • term limits for all elected officials