I posted the following response (see here) to an article "Obama wins in Nashville" at www.truthdig.com by Bill Boyarsky on 2008/10/07:
John needs to stop trying to pander to the left. He's sounding too much like Barrack on a few of the issues. He needs to differentiate himself. People need to see a clear distinction.
I was so disgusted about 15 minutes into the debate that I had to turn it off. I flipped it back on again for the last 35 minutes.
It really wasn't an exciting debate at all; rather depressing to say the least. A Marxist liar on the left hand and a panderer on the right.
However, there was a brief respite when Brokaw asked if health care was a right, a privilege, or a responsibility.
I was actually impressed with Obama's response, because he spoke his true belief, and didn't beat around the bush, or even stutter or ramble too much. Like a true socialist, he said that he believes that health care is a right. This is a far cry from the inalienable rights of life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness that our founding fathers declared.
What God has given to man, no government has the right to take away. What the government grants, he can take away. We created government for the sole purpose of protecting our individual rights; not to grant us new rights with the power to withdraw them at will.
I was happy with McCain's response. He stated that he believed health care was a responsibility, not a right granted by government. It's comforting to know that he's at least sensible on a few things. Of course he is still far and away a better option than Obama.
You can't deny from John's record that he truly does love this country, has fought for it, stood up for it, bled and agonized for it, and believes in it and it's people. His perseverance through his 5 years as a prisoner of war, his military service, leadership, and stalwartness in the Senate are all quite commendable and clearly shows his character and good judgment.
On the other hand, Barrack lacks leadership, experience, character, and judgment. He has a Marxist totalitarian ideology and agenda. But, you wouldn't be able to gather all of this from the debate. To think that there are people who would make a voting decision solely based on a debate or two and some carefully crafted deceitful television advertisements is a scary thought indeed.
I believe our last best hope is Sarah Palin; a true and proven reformer who has a solid foundation of correct principles that she holds fast to. She is who she says she is and who she appears to be.
Sarah will bring real change. Not the kind of change and hope that Obama touts.
He speaks of change and writes about the audacity of hope. How about the audacity of Obama. I mean, who writes an autobiography at the age of 34 with no real achievements to speak of? At least Adolf Hitler waited until he was 36 to write "Mein Kampf". Who creates their own presidential seal, and before they're even in office? Who paints over the national symbol with his own? Who has children sing to him? Who refers to the media as a police force? What else does Obama and Hitler have in common?
Thursday, October 09, 2008
2nd Pres debate fodder
Right Campaigns
- John McCain for President - Sarah Palin for Vice President
- Collins Bailey GOP Candidate for - U.S. Congress Maryland 5th Congressional District
- Charles Jay for President - Boston Tea Party
- Teddy Fleck - Libertarian Candidate - Missouri Lt. Governor
- Doug Patterson - Consitution Candidate - Oregon - U.S. Congress - 5th District
Right Links
- We Have the Power - documentary by Newt
- Rediscovering God in America - documentary by Newt
- Newt Gingrich - Former Speaker of the House
- Boston Tea Party
- Liberty Straw Poll
- Libertarian Party
- World Net Daily - news
- Patriot Front - blog
- Sean Hannity - radio - tv
- Curtis Sliwa - radio
- Laura Ingraham - radio
- The Palin Lipstick Brigade - All Sarah, All the Time
- The Real Democrat Story
- The National Republican Congressional Committee
- wizbang - blog
- Little Green Footballs
- Ashbrook Center for Publishing Affairs
- Hot Air - blog
- The Heritage Foundation
- Rush Limbaugh - talk radio
- Mark Levin - talk radio
- America's Revival - Alan Keyes
Maryland - U.S. Congressional District 5
Maryland - Calvert County
General Politics
Other Links
- Story Corps - the conversation of a lifetime
- Department of Defense Small Business Innovation Research Resource Center
- Department of Defense Small Business Innovation Research Small Business Technology Transfer
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
- WSI Complete Online Solutions - Internet Consulting and Education
- Show Hope - charity - adoption - orphans
- WGTS 91.9 Family Friendly Radio Station
- Talk of The Town Toastmasters Club - Lexington Park, Maryland MD
- Get Things Done (GTD) - David Allen - Mastering Workflow
- Dictionary.com
Reformation Ideas
- understanding and comprehension of U.S. constitution demonstrated
- secret clearance obainment required
- strict accountability for oaths and promises made
- no campaigning while serving a term elected to fulfill
- term limits for all elected officials