Sunday, October 12, 2008

New Blog: Comfortable Complacency

Since the bulk of my blogging has become of a political nature, I've decided to create a new blog devoted explicitly to that subject at All new political posts will be done on that blog. Gradually, past posts will be migrated over. This blog, will revert to more of a general journal of generic and various topics that are not of a political nature. For all I know, I am writing this for no one. But, if by chance there is at least one soul out there that has stumbled upon my blog or any of my posts and have found them interesting, then please visit my new Comfortable Complacency blog.



Reformation Ideas

  • understanding and comprehension of U.S. constitution demonstrated
  • secret clearance obainment required
  • strict accountability for oaths and promises made
  • no campaigning while serving a term elected to fulfill
  • term limits for all elected officials