Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Wrong: Mikulski on the senate floor - Right: rebuttal

On September 26th, one of my senators from Maryland, Senator Barbara Mikulski, gave a speech on the floor of the Senate. You can read it here:, or listen to it here:, or by calling (800) 511-0763 and entering actuality number 3076.

This is my rebuttal, which I submitted to her via her website at

I read your speech that you delivered last week on the 26th. You stated:

"I thought we need to listen to voters. I’m getting the same kind of e-mails they are, and in the last 72 hours I’ve gotten close to 8,000 emails and only 30 were for this bill. I’ve gotten over 1,300 phone calls and almost all were against the bailout."

Thank you for listening to our voices and promoting them to the rest of congress. However, you got off track from there with your following remarks. You stated:

“Why were they against the bailout? Because they wonder who’s on their side. Who’s looking out for them? Who’s going to bail out their stagnant wages? Who’s going to bail out their rising and escalating health care? Who is going to bail them out when they’re trying to pay their utilities and put gas in the car."

You are wrong! I don't wonder who is on my side! I know that the majority of house democrats are NOT on my side! It is because they have ignored the repeated warnings of President Bush, Senator McCain, and others over the past few years and blocked attempts to make corrections.

Why are Chris Dodd, Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry the top recipients of contributions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack? How did Frank Raines make $90M in a few short years?

The only financial help that I want from the federal government is to take less taxes from me. I don't want help with stagnant wages. I can figure out how to make more money on my own.

I don't want government interfering with rising and escalating health care costs. A freer market will make the appropriate adjustments to sharpen the quality of health care available for a fairer price.

I don't want someone to bail me out when gas and utility prices go higher. I can make the adjustments to my life to deal with it and a free market will adjust properly. I can turn the thermostat down, burn wood for heat, carpool, get a second job, start a new business, etc.

I don't want hand outs!

Our country was built by pilgrims, pioneers, and patriots who persevered through great trials and tribulations and made great sacrifices becoming all the stronger and sturdier through it. This is what made America great!

I don't want government assistance!

I don't want to be punished with the burden of more taxes to pay off an increase in national debt; nor do I want to pass on the burden to my children and grand children.

In your speech, you also stated:

"We listen to them loud and clear and yet, what we need to be able to do is not only respond to them, we need to be able to respond to this credit crisis."

You can respond by doing nothing! Remember, every day that congress meets we lose more of our liberty! Please, do nothing for once.

Are you hearing me? Pass this onto your fellow public servants the next time you take the floor.


The President is wrong on this! The few house republicans in opposition are right! McCain was right, but I fear he is wrong as well, if he goes along with this.

Thank you for listening, and may God bless you with wisdom to do the right thing.

If you have time, please read the following article at

With respect, your constituent,
Hyrum Shewell

- The government's proper role is not to create jobs.
- The government's proper role is not to control wages.
- The government's proper role is not to provide education.
- The government's proper role is not to provide health care.
- The government's proper role is not to control energy production
- The federal government's proper role is only to protect it's citizens natural rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by:
1. defending our nations sovereignty
2. upholding a free market economy
3. establishing and upholding laws that prevent any and all infringement of those rights.

Reformation Ideas

  • understanding and comprehension of U.S. constitution demonstrated
  • secret clearance obainment required
  • strict accountability for oaths and promises made
  • no campaigning while serving a term elected to fulfill
  • term limits for all elected officials