Since the bulk of my blogging has become of a political nature, I've decided to create a new blog devoted explicitly to that subject at All new political posts will be done on that blog. Gradually, past posts will be migrated over. This blog, will revert to more of a general journal of generic and various topics that are not of a political nature. For all I know, I am writing this for no one. But, if by chance there is at least one soul out there that has stumbled upon my blog or any of my posts and have found them interesting, then please visit my new Comfortable Complacency blog.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
New Blog: Comfortable Complacency
Thursday, October 09, 2008
2nd Pres debate fodder
I posted the following response (see here) to an article "Obama wins in Nashville" at by Bill Boyarsky on 2008/10/07:
John needs to stop trying to pander to the left. He's sounding too much like Barrack on a few of the issues. He needs to differentiate himself. People need to see a clear distinction.
I was so disgusted about 15 minutes into the debate that I had to turn it off. I flipped it back on again for the last 35 minutes.
It really wasn't an exciting debate at all; rather depressing to say the least. A Marxist liar on the left hand and a panderer on the right.
However, there was a brief respite when Brokaw asked if health care was a right, a privilege, or a responsibility.
I was actually impressed with Obama's response, because he spoke his true belief, and didn't beat around the bush, or even stutter or ramble too much. Like a true socialist, he said that he believes that health care is a right. This is a far cry from the inalienable rights of life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness that our founding fathers declared.
What God has given to man, no government has the right to take away. What the government grants, he can take away. We created government for the sole purpose of protecting our individual rights; not to grant us new rights with the power to withdraw them at will.
I was happy with McCain's response. He stated that he believed health care was a responsibility, not a right granted by government. It's comforting to know that he's at least sensible on a few things. Of course he is still far and away a better option than Obama.
You can't deny from John's record that he truly does love this country, has fought for it, stood up for it, bled and agonized for it, and believes in it and it's people. His perseverance through his 5 years as a prisoner of war, his military service, leadership, and stalwartness in the Senate are all quite commendable and clearly shows his character and good judgment.
On the other hand, Barrack lacks leadership, experience, character, and judgment. He has a Marxist totalitarian ideology and agenda. But, you wouldn't be able to gather all of this from the debate. To think that there are people who would make a voting decision solely based on a debate or two and some carefully crafted deceitful television advertisements is a scary thought indeed.
I believe our last best hope is Sarah Palin; a true and proven reformer who has a solid foundation of correct principles that she holds fast to. She is who she says she is and who she appears to be.
Sarah will bring real change. Not the kind of change and hope that Obama touts.
He speaks of change and writes about the audacity of hope. How about the audacity of Obama. I mean, who writes an autobiography at the age of 34 with no real achievements to speak of? At least Adolf Hitler waited until he was 36 to write "Mein Kampf". Who creates their own presidential seal, and before they're even in office? Who paints over the national symbol with his own? Who has children sing to him? Who refers to the media as a police force? What else does Obama and Hitler have in common?
Pentagon 9/11 Memorial
On Saturday, I took my family to visit the newly opened memorial dedicated to those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001 from the terrorist attacks that crashed a passenger airplane into the Pentagon in Washington D.C.
The memorial was well done and thought provoking. There is a bench dedicated to each person who died from the tragedy, with their name engraved on the end of the bench. If they had family members who also perished in the event, then their names are engraved directly under the bench in a reservoir of water. The benches are organized in a manner such that those that were in the airplane have their names facing towards the building and those that were within the building have their names facing outward. Also, the benches are organized in rows by year of birth posted on either side's surrounding wall.
I explained in as simple terms as possible to my young daughters, Adri and Bella, 7 and 5 years old. They asked "Why, daddy?". Because their are bad people in the world who hate us; our enemies. We are a strong Nation, led by a strong President, who took strong action against our enemies. We have not been attacked since.
"A great people has been moved to defend a great nation. Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shattered steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve.
America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep that light from shining.
Today, our nation saw evil, the very worst of human nature. And we responded with the best of America — with the daring of our rescue workers, with the caring for strangers and neighbors who came to give blood and help in any way they could." George Bush, Address to the Nation (September 11, 2001)
It pierced my heart and soul to the core as we continued to walk the memorial park grounds and I saw someone wearing an "Obama '08" button. Now I asked a question. How could someone paying respect to our fallen countrymen who died at the hands of terrorists, display at the very site of tragedy, support for another enemy of our state? One who has had close relations with known and convicted terrorist, William Ayers, who bombed the building in front of us about 40 years earlier? I was literally dumbfounded and speechless. I had no answer; only disgust.
The Return of the Students for a Democratic Society
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Springsteen bites the bullet
We got another commie celebrity, Bruce Springsteen, rabble rousing in Philadelphia this weekend. I used to like this guy. But I don't like him enough to listen to him after he hopped on board the deception wagon pulling the wool over thousands of comfortably numb Philadelphians. It makes my stomach turn thinking about how I listened to this socialist sing "Born in the USA"! Aggggh! I want to spit out all those lyrics and melodies out of my head. Say it aint true!!! Ahh, I don't think I have any of those cassette tapes left anymore anyway. Good riddance Bruce; may you rest in peace!
Chew on this, from our father Samuel Adams:
If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude
greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us
in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down
and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon
you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
—Samuel Adams
Think about it!
I choose freedom and liberty! Go get your own country you pessimistic damn bunch of weak excuses for human beings! You don't even acknowledge, appreciate, or want to exercise your inherent rights to liberty, life, property, and the pursuit of happiness bestowed upon every man by God.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Plea to Senator Cardin - No Bailout!
As the senate is about to vote on the wall street bailout act, I sent in a final plea for "no action" to one of my senators from Maryland, Senator Benjamin Cardin:
Regarding the economic bailout for Wall Street that you are about to vote on:
In order to be true to the oath you made when you took office is to vote NO!
It is fundamentally wrong!
Your constituent,
Hyrum Shewell
Wrong: Mikulski on the senate floor - Right: rebuttal
On September 26th, one of my senators from Maryland, Senator Barbara Mikulski, gave a speech on the floor of the Senate. You can read it here:, or listen to it here:, or by calling (800) 511-0763 and entering actuality number 3076.
This is my rebuttal, which I submitted to her via her website at
I read your speech that you delivered last week on the 26th. You stated:
"I thought we need to listen to voters. I’m getting the same kind of e-mails they are, and in the last 72 hours I’ve gotten close to 8,000 emails and only 30 were for this bill. I’ve gotten over 1,300 phone calls and almost all were against the bailout."
Thank you for listening to our voices and promoting them to the rest of congress. However, you got off track from there with your following remarks. You stated:
“Why were they against the bailout? Because they wonder who’s on their side. Who’s looking out for them? Who’s going to bail out their stagnant wages? Who’s going to bail out their rising and escalating health care? Who is going to bail them out when they’re trying to pay their utilities and put gas in the car."
You are wrong! I don't wonder who is on my side! I know that the majority of house democrats are NOT on my side! It is because they have ignored the repeated warnings of President Bush, Senator McCain, and others over the past few years and blocked attempts to make corrections.
Why are Chris Dodd, Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry the top recipients of contributions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack? How did Frank Raines make $90M in a few short years?
The only financial help that I want from the federal government is to take less taxes from me. I don't want help with stagnant wages. I can figure out how to make more money on my own.
I don't want government interfering with rising and escalating health care costs. A freer market will make the appropriate adjustments to sharpen the quality of health care available for a fairer price.
I don't want someone to bail me out when gas and utility prices go higher. I can make the adjustments to my life to deal with it and a free market will adjust properly. I can turn the thermostat down, burn wood for heat, carpool, get a second job, start a new business, etc.
I don't want hand outs!
Our country was built by pilgrims, pioneers, and patriots who persevered through great trials and tribulations and made great sacrifices becoming all the stronger and sturdier through it. This is what made America great!
I don't want government assistance!
I don't want to be punished with the burden of more taxes to pay off an increase in national debt; nor do I want to pass on the burden to my children and grand children.
In your speech, you also stated:
"We listen to them loud and clear and yet, what we need to be able to do is not only respond to them, we need to be able to respond to this credit crisis."
You can respond by doing nothing! Remember, every day that congress meets we lose more of our liberty! Please, do nothing for once.
Are you hearing me? Pass this onto your fellow public servants the next time you take the floor.
The President is wrong on this! The few house republicans in opposition are right! McCain was right, but I fear he is wrong as well, if he goes along with this.
Thank you for listening, and may God bless you with wisdom to do the right thing.
If you have time, please read the following article at
With respect, your constituent,
Hyrum Shewell
- The government's proper role is not to create jobs.
- The government's proper role is not to control wages.
- The government's proper role is not to provide education.
- The government's proper role is not to provide health care.
- The government's proper role is not to control energy production
- The federal government's proper role is only to protect it's citizens natural rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by:
1. defending our nations sovereignty
2. upholding a free market economy
3. establishing and upholding laws that prevent any and all infringement of those rights.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Another Bailout Post on Greta Wire - In Response to the idiot posters
Here's what I wrote at in response to some ridiculous posts. I just couldn't resist:
Obama blew the meeting in D.C. that McCain is getting all the blame for. Reid and Pelosi gave Barry the floor as the leader of their party and he basically derailed the negotiation meeting by attacking from the moment he opened his mouth. Why do you think dingy Harry Reid stormed out of the meeting? He was furious with the inability of his party's new "leader" to negotiate.
KatyO, in thie forum, said that "your guy" McCain rode in to save the day. For one, he's not our guy. While McCain is a great American and a Patriot, he's not true to conservative ideals. However, he's infinitely better than Barry the Lying Hawaiian Marxist.
McCain did the right thing when he was asked to come assist with the problem. He stayed true to his theme of putting his country first, suspending his campaign, regardless of possible negative rhetoric. He then suggested that Obama come as well, who came against his will, kicking and screaming, and doing his best to vote "present" and not take a stand on the issue. However, McCain has done wrong thing by supporting the bill that was voted on today. He should have stood firm in opposition to a bailout in any form. I'm disappointed in him for that.
Bush has been a great president who has done a remarkable job keeping our country safe since 9/11/2001. However, like McCain, he disappoints from time to time. The fact that he even proposed the current Wall Street Bailout is shameful. It's a clear socialist move that is absolutely disgusting. How he could have selected Paulson is also quite an atrocity.
Anyone that says McCain and Bush are the same (including KatyO who stated in this forum that McCain is a Bush clone) is completely idiotic, as McCain's resistance to Bush and Paulson's initial proposal reiterated and re-affirmed McCain's maverick style.
One more thing for KatyO; if it wasn't for Republicans you'd be subject to a complete communist state by now. Of course, it sounds like that would suite you, so never mind. But, you can thank us anyway! Furthermore, to say "no more Republicans" is disavowing a wide range of people. There is quite a large group of overlapping population between the two parties who share common positions and ideals. It would be better to be more specific, and use terms such as conservative, libertarian, socialist, Marxist, anarchist, liberal, progressive, etc.
Another thing to think about is why the congressional Democrats didn't pass the bill on their own. They have the power, as they have the majority and control both the House and the Senate.
Oh, and KatyO, we don't blame your boy Obama for everything. He's just an empty suit; a teleprompter reader; a puppet in the hands of David Axelrod and the terrorist William Ayers, molded by Saul Alyinski who praised Lucifer as the first of all Radicals. Your boy is just a puppet in the hands of the evil puppet master himself, grasping for the power of the presidency of our republic.
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." Samuel Adams
3. "Radical leftist's son: 'Obama learned his lesson well' Child of Saul Alinsky sees Democratic Party using his father's methods"
5. - Thought You Should Know
7. www.
Monday, September 29, 2008
The Bailout Bu$t: Weigh In ‘On the Record’!!!
During "On The Record With Greta" tonight on Fox News, I commented on her blog at,, on the question about the $700 bailout failure. Here is what I wrote:
It is fundamentally wrong to distribute the debt and responsibility for bad decisions and poor judgment to all tax payers and to rob from those responsible the lessons to be learned; to deny them the experience to improve their judgment so that the same mistakes are not made again. This imposes undue burden on individuals that impedes their ability to pursue happiness and hampers their liberty.
Now is the time to CLEAN THE HOUSE! CLEAN THE SENATE! Down with Reid! Down with Pelosi! Down with Hoyer! Out with Obama! Out with Clinton! The most corrupt among us, the very enemies within that seek to destroy our free society are those at the helm of power. Why they continue to get re-elected, is due to the peoples comfortable complacency! Wake up America!
We thank God this day for answering our prayers and stopping any form of a bailout for Wall Street! Thank you for the few honorable Republicans in the House and those that stood with them in opposition to the bill that was put forth for a vote!
No Bailout! Thank You House Republicans!
Good: Thomas System opens legislation for you to review
On Friday, Sep. 26, 2008, while listening to the Rush Limbaugh program, I learned that during the 1990's there was an act passed that create the Thomas System where all legislation measures must be posted and available for the public to review, before they go across the President's desk.
I did some research and believe that this is the link:
I've checked it out a bit looking for the current $700B wall street bailout, but haven't been able to find it. However, it does look like there is a plethora of past legislation available.
Take a look.
Wrong: ACORN to benefit from wall street bailout
Can you believe what the Democrats try to sneak under our noses! Corruption is rampant in our congress! The very people that we've elected and pay to represent our freedoms and liberty seek to undermine our government as they push towards a socialist society where they are the ruling elite.
From Rush Limbaugh's radio show on 20080926, see, quoting Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina:
"Let me tell you what happened, because I was here. We were meeting with House Republicans to try to get 'em into the mix and you had I think six members of Congress meet by themselves in the morning, yesterday morning to go to the press, announce an agreement they never told their colleagues about. At lunch when this agreement was discussed in a Republican Senate conference, two-thirds of our conference could never sign on to it because 20% of the money -- could be billions of dollars -- instead of retiring debt that will be created to get us out of the mess, 20% of it will be directed to housing programs like ACORN that are under investigation."
Thank You Senator Graham for speaking the truth and standing for the right!
However, it appears that he still is in favor of supporting some sort of a measure. Of course I am opposed to any bailout measure whatsoever.
more on Senator Lindsey Graham: "Senator Grahamnesty I Presume?" by Jake
Wrong: McCain on Bailout
I am very upset that apparently John McCain would support the bailout in any way.
From the article, 'Obama: McCain's Role in Bailout 'Katrina-Like'
by the AP, Monday, September 29, 2008
"Let's get this deal done, signed by the president, and get moving, because the real effect of this is going to restore some confidence, and get some credit out there, and get the economic system moving again, which is basically in gridlock today," McCain told "This Week" on ABC.
McCain said the $700 billion bailout for the hobbled financial markets "is something that all of us will swallow hard and go forward with. The option of doing nothing is simply not an acceptable option." Obama said he was inclined to back it "because I think Main Street is now at stake."
Wrong John!It is fundamentally wrong to distribute the debt and responsibility for bad decisions and poor judgment to all tax payers and to rob from those responsible the lessons learned; to deny them the experience to improve their judgment so that the same mistakes are not made again. This imposes undue burden on individuals that impedes their ability to pursue happiness and hampers their liberty.
Bad John!
Here is what I sent to him a few minutes ago via his website at
I am angry that you would support any kind of a bailout for wall street. It is simply wrong.
It makes me want to take down the McCain/Palin signs that I have in my yard and rip off the bumper stickers on my cars. Who knows, he may yet anger me so much that I may not vote for him on election day. Now, don't think that that means that I'll vote for Obama. There's simply no way in hell that that would ever happen.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Plea to congress - No Bailout!
I wrote my three congressmen today, asking them to oppose any further government bailouts. If you live in district 5 of Maryland, here are the links to email our senators and representative:
Senator Benjamin Cardin -
Senator Barbara Mikulski -
Representative Steny Hoyer -
Subject: Wall Street Bailout - please oppose
Dear Mr. Cardin,
Dear Mrs. Mikulski,
Dear Mr. Hoyer,
As one of your constituents, I am urging you to strongly oppose any form of a bailout for Wall Street. It is fundamentally wrong and contrary to our individual liberties as established in our national constitution that you swore an oath to uphold and defend. Please have integrity and do the right thing.
Remember that the correct choice is not always the easiest. Sometimes trials and tribulation must be endured for growth of the individual or organization to occur and robustness to set in. The hard lessons that can only be learned through the realization and suffering of consequences resulting from poor judgment and decisions are integral for true correction to ensue. Without it, progress is denied.
The corruption and plethora of poor judgment that abounds in the government of our nation is of utmost disgust. I remain, as I always have been, proud to be an American and long for the day that I may say that I am also proud of my government and sure that my God given rights to liberty and unimpeded pursuit of happiness is being protected and defended in good faith.
I thank you for taking the time to read my plea and consider what I have asked. I only ask that you do what you have pledged to do. It's really a no-brainier.
You will surely gain my respect and appreciation, should you choose the right. As well, you will further my disdain for you, if you fail.
May God bless you.
Hyrum Shewell
I urge you to draft a similar plea to all of your public servants who represent you in our national government, and submit it to them without delay. As well, you may also want to place a phone call to them. If there has ever been a time to get involved and make your voice heard, now is that time!
God speed my friends! May God bless our great nation and allow us to continue to enjoy the liberties and freedom that yet remains.
Emmys? Why air them? Who cares?
I noticed watching the news tonight that the emmys, an award ceremony for Hollywood actors, recently took place and that the nielson ratings showed a 6% drop in viewership compared with last year. My question is, why anyone would be interested in watching the ceremony, besides the actors themselves, who are for the most part in attendance. I just don't understand why it would be broadcast for the general audience. Of course, I also never understand why anyone would pay any attention to magazines like "People" that cover the lives of film and television celebrities.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Pelosi's Non Energy Bill
I just had to send my congressman my sentiments, feelings, and desires regarding the stance and resistance he should take toward her new "non" energy bill.
Seriously, does she take us for fools. Doesn't she realize that the least among us, the American people, are smarter, brighter, and wiser than her.
Mr. Hoyer,
Please do not support Pelosi's new energy bill; rather oppose it. It adds far too many restrictions. We would be better off letting the current moratorium expire on Oct 1.
Please let me know how you are opposing Pelosi and her foolishness and frankly disgusting abuse of her power and violation of her oath
"I, (name of Member), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."
I doubt that she can protect us from herself. That's where you come in. We, your constituents in district 5, have entrusted you with the responsibility to fight for us; to be our eyes, ears, and mouth in the house. I hope that you have the integrity and fortitude to uphold your oath, and make us proud.
Perhaps you can provide Nancy with a copy of our constitution, on this Constitution Day, and advise her to study it, and perhaps do us a favor and submit her resignation without delay.
Thank you,
I suggest that you all write similar letters to your congressmen.
see these links for infromation about Nancy Pelosi's sham of a bill:
1. Pelosi’s Energy Bill is a Sham, posted September 16th, 2008 at 11.59am at
2. Kill This No Drill Bill, posted September 16th, 2008 at 3.15pm at
Obama Guilty of Felony - Violation of the Logan Act
The Logan Act is a United States federal law that forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments. It was passed in 1799 and last amended in 1994. Violation of the Logan Act is a felony, punishable under federal law with imprisonment of up to three years.
according to New York Post article "OBAMA TRIED TO STALL GIS' IRAQ WITHDRAWAL" by Amir Taheri on September 15, 2008 at, Obama is guilty of violating the Logan Act and thereby has committed a felony and should be brought to trial and punished with imprisonment for up to three years. Let's pursue it.
Write to your senators and congressmen and ask for an investigation to be conducted.
I wrote my congressman from Maryland District 5, Steny Hoyer, via his website at
as well as my senators:
Senator Barbara Mikulski at
Senator Benjamin Cardin at
This is what I wrote:
Congressman Hoyer,
Please initiate an investigation of the allegations that, while on a recent visit to Iraq this past July, Senator Obama violated the Logan Act by asking Iraqi leaders to delay any agreement regarding U.S. troop withdrawal until after the formation of the next U.S. President's administration.
If true, then Obama has committed a felony and should be brought to trial and punished with imprisonment for up to three years.
I look forward to hearing back from you with an analysis of the findings from your research and a report on any action taken.
This and follow up communications relating to this matter will form the basis for an article and speech that I will be presenting to the public in our district.
I appreciate your attention to my concerns and inquiries.
I have sent a similar letter to both Senator Cardin and Senator Mikulski.
Thank you very much,
Hyrum Shewell
Pelosi Apple From The Same Tree
Surprise surprise, Nancy Pelosi has a daughter!!! I thought she was pro-abortion, anti-life. This really threw me for a loop, but for the first time I actually had a good feeling toward Nanci Pelosi. That is, until her daughter, Christina Pelosi spoke.
Christina was a guest commentator on Hannity and Colmes show on Fox News tonight, 20080916. She definitely proved to be just as much of an idiot and enemy to the state as her mother.
She was speaking ill of Governor Palin, our new champion for liberty and reform in America. Our last, best hope.
Question: Why does Fox News, the suppossed conservative news channel bring on so many liberal kooks? It's bad enough that they make us put up with Colmes on a regular basis.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Clueless: Chevy Chase - another one bites the dust - no, not him too
It is with much dismay that I announce that one of my favorite all time comedians and actors, Chevy Chase, is an idiot and enemy to liberty.
see the AP article "Chevy Chase Wants Tina Fey to 'Decimate' Sarah Palin", Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at,2933,423126,00.html
The article quoted Chase as saying the following, speaking about the GOP's Vice Presidential nominee, Governor Sarah Palin:'
This woman is, I can't believe there hasn't been more about it. ... It's just unbelievable to me this woman is actually running for vice president," he continued.
Me neither. I can't believe that at this time this person has been discovered who is exactly what we need. A true patriot who believes in God, truth, the battle of good and evil, life at conception, protecting and defending the least of those among us. She is a proven destroyer of corruption and a reformer. She has shown honesty, integrity, strength, and character.
She is who she appears to be. She never aspired to political power, but rose to the occasion because she realized that she was and is the best for the job, and has confidence in her abilities and readiness.
She's solid and true!
You can't say even a portion of those qualities about any other politician that I know of!
We are lucky that we have found her and just precisely at this time that we need her.
What the f*$% is Chevy Chase talking about. I'm convinced that his brain has become warped from his time in Hollywood. Or maybe he's been drinking that fresh squeezed wheat grass that those deranged tree hugging environmental wackos who live on the west coast are so fond of. It seems to be happening to more and more of them.
No, I'm not going to ban his movies. I'll always love Christmas Vacation and Caddy Shack, but I just wish he and the rest in that industry will realize that they may be good at one thing, and then stick to that. If they were smart, they would keep their anti-liberty anti-patriotic sentiments and statements to themselves. Of course, I guess if they had any sense they wouldn't harbor those evil and detrimental views and beliefs. It really diminishes the entertainment value of their product and work.
Congratulations Chevy! You've now joined the Hollywood anti-patriot ranks of Will Smith, Barbara Streisand, Matt Damon, Susan Sarandon, Pamela Anderson, Lindsey Lohan, Tim Robbins, ...
Cavuto vs. Oreilly on Big Oil
Tonight on the Oreilly Factor, on Fox News, Cavuto set Oreilly straight on his "big oil" price gouging theory.
This is one of my problems with Bill Oreilly, so it was very refreshing to here Cavuto speaking truth to him.
Bill went on to say how the president and government should be doing something about it. Wrong Bill! That is not the government's role; it is not the proper role of government to regulate and muck with the free market. Cavuto set him straight on this as well.
Bill closed by stating their differing points of view and Cavuto followed with a joke about how Bill had hurt his feelings; that he was mean to him. I got a chuckle out of that and cooled off the steam that I had built up over Bill's comments.
Whoo rah! Go Cavuto!
Clueless: Lib Levin Caller - Thanks For Moving Conservative Reform Forward
I was listening to Mark Levin's show from yesterday, 20080915, while I was working out at the gym tonight and this guy calls in from New York, I think. Listen to how stupid he was; they never cease to amaze me. He was giving Mark a hard time about how Republicans weren't on board with Senator McCain until Palin came onto the ticket. He pointed out that "us" Obama supporters have been behind Barrack the whole time from the start of the Primaries.
His initial observation is correct, about the lack of support that McCain had during the primaries and up until the RNC.
From there he is obviously clueless. He makes a presumption that Mark is a drone Republican. Mark has pointed out many times that he doesn't work for the GOP. If this guy would have listened to the show through the primaries he would have heard Mark railing on McCain almost as much as he did to the candidates from the Democrat party. Republicans don't just fall in line. The conservative base was not in favor of McCain. That's why his decision to choose a solid conservative energized the base, and united the party, bringing the strong support that the McCain ticket now enjoys. I think Rush went so far as to refer to McCain as "McBrilliant".
I often think about the many things that the Obama campaign has done wrong strategically. Since their campaign is strictly strategic, this has been and will continue to be detrimental. All theey had to do was shut up and stop telling lies. McCain might not have realized the necessity of rallying the conservitaves, and listening to us. He might have chosen a moderate or a liberal for a running mate, conservatives would have stayed home on election day or voted for the Libertarian or Constitution party, and Barrack would have had it in the bag. Conservatives would have hunkered down for the next four years until there would have then been a Reaganesque revolution. So, it is to the stupidity, the arrogance, the audacity of the liberal, marxist, democrat, socialist elitists and drones that we owe the credit. In effect they have spoiled their own party and moved the conservative surge forward 4 years.
So, THANK YOU to this clueless lib caller and the diminishing drone base to witch he belongs.
Wrong: Streisand
Barbra Streisand headlines fundraiser for Obama
Another Hollywood enemy of the state. I think we all knew Barbara was a leftist idiot anyway. Why do these people hate us and our country so? There are plenty of other places for them to live. Why do the people that benefit the most from our free capitalistic economy do the most damage by supporting the most corrupt politicians. Obama and the likes are the ones that are opposite the people. As you know, he was one of the top benefactors of Fannie Mae, of which we the people are now responsible for insuring it's bad investments.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Mind Your Business Senator Kohl
Congress to cell carriers: Why have SMS rates doubled?
(italicized text are direct copy from the article at the URL listed above)
Why have texting rates doubled?
(Is texting a word?) I don't think so.
Senator Herb Kohl, chairman of the Senate’s antitrust panel, poses this question to the big four cell phone networks. So, what gives?
I ask the real question: why is the government asking the cell phone companies about their rates? It's none of their business. Don't we believe in a free market?
The question posed by Senator Herb Kohl should is quite alarming.
"I am concerned with whether this consolidation and increased market power by the major carriers has contributed to this doubling of text-messaging rates over the last three years," wrote Kohl, who gave the carriers a month to justify their higher SMS rates.
So, now the government is demanding justification from a company for raising the price of a service or product?
Frankly, this is altogether wrong!
It's wrong that Senator Kohl has this at the top of his list of concerns.
It's wrong that Senator Kohl believes that it is his responsibility to watch companies
It's wrong that Senator Kohl is wasting his time on the job on a matter like this when he has responsibility to his constituents, and all citizens of are nation who pay his salary, to devote his time to defending their liberties.
I know he probably thinks that he is defending the citizens "right" to low prices.
Of all things, anyway; sending text messages on a cell phone. For one, a cell phone is not a necessary item. People have lived for thousands of years without them. My wife and I are actually getting rid of ours altogether when our contract expires in a few months. It's become a nuisance to be disturbed by something that one pays for. Beyond that, the "texting" service is superfluous. I never have used that feature and I don't understand the reason for it. Like I've told my son, if I want to contact somebody, it's much simpler and efficient to simply speak to them. Otherwise, an email will suffice.
Let the phone companies raise the price of services they provide as high as they want. The consumer will decide when the price is too high, by choosing to not pay for that service. Then the service provider will lower the price until it makes a profit, or deem to not offer the service any longer, if it can't make a profit at the price that consumers are willing to pay for. Do you see how simple, yet beautifully the free market works when allowed to do so.
According to the latest numbers from CTIA (the organization that represents the wireless industry), U.S. texters sent 2.5 billion SMS messages in June—each day, mind you, or 78 billion messages for the month.
If I were a wireless service provider, I would be raising prices too!
So, what do you think: Are the big four carriers trying to gouge us with text messaging? Would you dump your bundled texting plan if individual messages were more affordable?
Like I said, the smart thing to do is to make as much profit as possible. I don't have a bundled "texting" plan, nor do I use the service or find any value in it, so the comparable price of individual message prices would have no bearing.
research links
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Bailey for U.S. Congress - Maryland, District 5
I finally discovered who is running against my congressman Steny Hoyer: Collins Bailey. It concerns me greatly that it was so hard to find him. No one that I asked knew. Several searches on Yahoo and Google for various keywords did not return any links that provided the answer. I found what I was looking for from a Yahoo search yesterday for "republican, district 5, maryland" and the first listing took me to a page at Wikipedia.
After doing my homework about Mr. Bailey, I found him to be on the same page as me with regard to government thus far.
I submited a form to find out more information to volunteer for his campaign. This is what I submitted:
"I want to do all I can to remove Steny Hoyer from office. Please let me know how I can help you defeat him.
I have learned about your positions through the material contained on your website, and find you to be precisely inline with my values, standards, and convictions.
I have sent several letters to Benjamin Cardin, Barbara Mikulski, & Steny Hoyer on several subjects including the fairness doctrine, drilling for oil, and the bailout of bad mortgages."
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Finally An Obama Lie-mail
I've heard Obama say numerously that there are emails spreading lies about him being circulated. However, I've never been privy to any. I thought that with more than ten email accounts, I'd surely have received a few. Finally, I received one. (I am somebody.) The only thing is that it's true. Regardless, I marked it as spam and moved on. However, someone on the list replied to all, and after his remarks, I just couldn't resist.
portion of original lie-mail message:
"Obama The Patriot - Removes American Flag From His Plane
The Patriot Room
Posted on Tuesday, July 22, 2008 8:11:07 AM by Bill Dupray
Barack Obama recently finished a $500,000 total overhaul of his 757. And as
part of the new design, he decided to remove the American flag from the
What American running for President of the United States would remove the
symbol of his country? And worse, he replaced the flag with it with a symbol
of himself..."
Dear LinksSEO,
I think that you must have a warped sense of right. Obama has removed the
flag, probably for any or all of the following reasons;
a) He is not the U.S. president
b) This trip is a campaign trip as a presidential candidate.
If he left the flag on.. There would be those who would say that he is
parading as a U.S. President. He is trying to avoid any controversy...
GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my reply:
I don't know who LinksSEO is (I marked the original email as SPAM), but
since someone responded to all, I thought I'd through in my two cents.
Obama doesn't have a chance in hell (well that may be the only place he has a chance) of becoming president of the United States. Whether or not he has a flag on his airplane or not is the least of our worries. He's simply a Marxist; a radical socialist; he believes in big government and the redistribution of wealth; the end to personal liberty and God given
rights. That might be OK for some, but not for me, and not in the USA.
We weren't founded on those principals; and for good reason.
I was thinking of sitting this election out, but with such an audacious
anti-patriot radical in the race, it's become necessary to rally the
people in opposition. I urge all American's to vote against Obama and
vote against all members of the House and Senate that are standing in
the way of freeing our lands and waters for drilling, and not in support
of U.S. Congressman Pence's petition to ban the Fairness Doctrine that
threatens our freedom of speech and press; rights protected by the first
amendment to our constitution. (see Out with Pelosi! Out with
Hoyer! Out with Reid! Out with Clinton! Out with Obama!
It's our government! It's our land! It's our country! It's our freedom!
It's our liberty!
For our children, and the pursuit of happiness for all mankind!
The time of our comfortable complacency is over. Now is the time to
clean house, elect wise people of integrity, and keep a short leash on
our public servants.
Don't Tread On Me,
Another thing, while we're on the topic. I mentioned the fact about not receiving any of the lie-mails to my wife the other day, and she said that she had received one about how Obama turned down an opportunity to visit the hospitalized troops in Iraq while on his world tour. I told her that it was true, and educated her. She was a little taken back, and just said "oh".
Sergeant Josh - A Modern Day Captain Moroni
One of my biggest heroes ever is Captain Moroni who lived around 60 BC in the Americas. The Book of Mormon chronicles his valiant and noble fight for freedom and liberty in defense of his people and country. The events and political atmosphere in which he lived bears great similarities to our present day. In a time when his country was in the midst of ongoing war with invading neighbors and political turmoil, dissension, and insurrection within, Moroni served as Chief Captain, the highest ranking military official of his country. When he became angry with the leader of the opposing political party, Amalickiah, who sought to replace democracy with kings and nobles, he rent his coat and wrote on it the following words: 'In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children'. He called it "The Title of Liberty", hoisted it up on a pole, and caused it to be raised throughout the land to rally the people in defense of their freedom.
While listening to the podcast of The Mark Levin Show, recorded on July 31, 2008, I heard Sergeant Josh (periodic guest of Mark's show) say the following, after Mark asked him about his voluntary pledge to serve a third time (the two previous times in Iraq, now Afghanistan): "My whole thing is, you know, anything that I can do to keep my little girl, or anyone elses kids to have to fight, you know, 20 years down the road, I'm gonna do." When I heard that, it reminded me of Captain Moroni. Sergeant Josh is the type of man that Moroni was.
"And Moroni was a astrong and a mighty man; he was a man of a perfect bunderstanding; yea, a man that did not delight in bloodshed; a man whose soul did joy in the liberty and the freedom of his country, and his brethren from bondage and slavery; ... a man who did labor exceedingly for the awelfare and safety of his people." Alma:48:11-12
"Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto aMoroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the bdevil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men." Alma 48:17
We are in desperate need of more men of this caliber. My heart felt thanks go out to Josh and all people now serving and whomever has served in the defense of man's God given right to liberty.
Captain Moroni
Title of Liberty:
Sergeant Josh:
Mark Levin Show:
Hero Tribute - Sgt. Ryan Patrick Baumann
A young local (Southern Maryland) hero, Sgt. Ryan Patrick Baumann, has paid the ultimate price and I wanted to honor him here.
He was killed in action on August 1, 2008 while serving his country in Afghanistan.
You can follow the links below to learn about Ryan and his service to America and mankind.
I offered the following words of thanks to the family:
Your son's service to our country and to the people of the world in the fight for freedom and liberty is very much appreciated. He paid the ultimate price for us. We are eternally grateful. I pray for your comfort during this difficult time for your family and offer my sincere condolences. "For the Lord suffereth the righteous to be slain that his justice and judgment may come upon the wicked; therefore ye need not suppose that the righteous are lost because they are slain; but behold, they do enter into the rest of the Lord their God." Alma 60:13 "
Friday, August 08, 2008
What Steny Hoyer is doing to support drilling
Question to my congressman, Steny Hoyer, Maryland 5th District.
What are you currently doing to open up our lands and waters to drilling for oil and to encourage others in the house of representatives to support the same?
I'll share his response when I receive it.
links: - to email Steny - Steny's contact-us page - Steny's home page
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Obama - Senate Banking Comittee
I heard Obama say "my senate banking committee".
Does this mean that he is the head, president, chair of the senate banking committee, or simply that he is a member of that committee?
I did some research and found that:
There is a senate committee named "Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs".
Here is the committee membership list from the committee's website:
Democrat | Republican |
Christopher J. Dodd Chairman (D-CT) | Richard C. Shelby Ranking Member (R-AL) |
Tim Johnson (D-SD) | Robert F. Bennett (R-UT) |
Jack Reed (D-RI) | Wayne Allard (R-CO) |
Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) | Michael B. Enzi (R-WY) |
Evan Bayh (D-IN) | Chuck Hagel (R-NE) |
Tom Carper (D-DE) | Jim Bunning (R-KY) |
Robert Menendez (D-NJ) | Mike Crapo (R-ID) |
Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI) | Elizabeth Dole (R-NC) |
Sherrod Brown (D-OH) | Mel Martinez (R-FL) |
Robert P. Casey (D-PA) | Bob Corker (R-TN) |
Jon Tester (D-MT) |
I don't see Barrack H. Obama (D-IL) anywhere on the list; do you?
I tried to contact Senator Dodd via his website, but he had a statement that he only repsonds to citizens of Connecticut. Perhaps a reader from Connecticut can follow up on this and let me know what his response is. (thanks. I'd appreciate it)
So, I went to Senator Shelby's web site and submitted the following inquiry:
Barrack Obama said the other day that he was head of or at least a member of the Senate Banking Committee. However, I did not see his name listed on the membership roll. Was he referring to another banking committee, or does the membership list on the committee's website need to be updated?
We'll see what Senator Shelby has to say about this.
For good measure, I also sent the same inquiry to my two senators from Maryland of which I am a constituent, even though they are not on the committee. (Barbara Mikulski and Benjamin Cardin)
I get the feeling that this is another one of Obama's deceptions.
The committee also has a contact-us form on their website, so I submitted an inquiry there as well:
Why is Mr. Dodd listed as chair of the committee? Obama stated that this was his committee. Why isn't Barrack on the membership list?
Obama's Embarassing Language
United States presidential candidate Barrack Hussein Obama recently publicly stated that we Americans are an embarrassment when we go to Europe and can't speak any languages other than English. He stated that we need to make sure that our children can speak Spanish, and that we should be able to say more than "merci beaucoup" in French. However, while on his current media tour to the middle east and Europe, I didn't hear him speaking any other language beside English; and he had great difficulty with that, stuttering and blubbering through incoherent sentences. Should we Americans not be embarrassed with him.? Yes, he is the real embarrassment. Dear God, please let this atrocity end soon!
Some questions for Mr. Obama: (if you have any of the answers, please provide)
Q: How many languages can you speak and what are they? (1, English; barely)
Q: With currently more than 600 languages spoken amongst the citizens, visitors, and illegal aliens of the United States, which languages should it be mandatory for Americans to speak and with what proficiency? (Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese, German, French, Tagalig, Sioux, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Thai, ...)
Q: What about writing? With what proficiency should Americans be required to write; and in what languages? I understand that there is a great lack of ability for English writing skills amongst your constituents in Chicago.
Q: Have you ever heard of Toastmasters International? It is an organization that has clubs all over the world that meet on a weekly basis to hone their public speaking and communication skills. Perhaps you should seek out membership in one of these clubs. You will most likely receive the "ah" award for the most ah's, um's, and other grammar mistakes, but the constructive criticism and practice will help you improve in this area. I know it has helped me.
Q: I thought that you have professed to be a great uniter of the people. Wouldn't you agree that a nation and people that speak a common language so that they understand each other, understand the constitution, government, and laws that establish their liberties and freedoms is crucial, liberating, and essential for their own self interest?
(citations, quotations, and references forthcoming; available upon request)
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Will Smith WRONG on America and Obama
I learned while listening to the Mark Levin Show (2008/06/23), that the actor Will Smith, while speaking during an appearance on a television show (I think one called "The View"), commented that after recently visiting Russia, England, and France, he felt that it was a good thing to be an American, for the first time in many years, now that Obama is the democratic nominee for president of the United States. He's wrong on two points here:
1. supporting Obama. Will must be a Marxist as well, so he therefore is an enemy to our capitalistic economic system. This is a little ironic as he has benefited so well from it.
2. his concern with the citizens of other country's opinion of our country. Our national policies should not be determined by popular public opinion; especially that of foreigners. Like my father told me, our standards and values must not be swayed by what others say about us.
Will Smith is an Anti-Patriot!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Finally, a presidential candidate to believe in!
Tonight, I stumbled upon some debates from 2004 between Barrack Obama and Alan Keyes and I was amazed. Alan far outshined Obama; he was answering questions directly and logically; and he made sense; he spoke the truth. What he said resonated well with me. I listened and watched until I had watched and listened to over two hours of video and audio footage from 2004 and the current 2008 campaign season.
He is true conservative! He beleives in the constitution of the United States of America and the principles that it sets forth.
He is a man that I can get excited about supporting! He puts McCain to shame, from a conservative perspective. The only other candidate that that comes close is Mitt Romney.
Click the banner above to learn more about Alan Keyes and his positions on current major issues.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Patriotism Questioned in the wake of Michelle Obama's bleak remarks now featured in campaign ads
Tonight Hannity and Colmes had 3 panelists on their show. One of them was a woman from Occidental college, Obama's alma mater, that couldn't answer any question with a simple yes or no; typical of the likes of Obama or any other liberal; when faced with a direct question, they avoid a straight answer with questions back to the inquirer; very frustrating; and they do this over and over when the inquirer has to continue to repeat the question in an attempt to get an answer. This is why I can't handle watching TV news for any length; and this was FOX; forget any of the other news channels like MSNBC for example; my head starts to hurt and I get nauseaus within seconds of hearing the idiotic talking heads. Hannity is a clear headed individual who makes sense, but unfortunately he has to put up with Colmes and other news people and guests who just dont seem to have any sense about them. Sometimes I can withstand the idiocy on Hannity's show to watch for some length. Like tonight, for example; although it was almost more than I could bare listening to that dumb blonde from Occidental.
Anyway, the question of patriotism came up and specifically Barrack and Michelle Obama's patriotism was questioned. The main topic for discussion was the content of advertisement by state republican parties that contain Michelle's statements about being proud to be an American for the first time and then clips of various candidates stating their pride in America and how great of a country America. My opinion on the advertisements is very favorable. The point of the ads are not to simply harp on Michelle, but to address the general theme and message that she dispels through comments like those mentioned and other statements she has made in various speeches and public appearances. I get very disgusted listening to her. She presents a theme of doom and gloom in America; how we don't talk to our neighbors and that we can't get ahead no matter how much we try. This just seems so foreign to me. It's not the United States of America that I know. All I can think of is that she is in some alternate dimension or is mentally ill. I mean, I talk to my neighbors almost every night; we hang out on the culdasac in the evening; the kids play and the adults socialize. I am reaching goals and achieving my dreams continually. I'm the oldest of 11 children, neither of my parents have university degrees. I started earning money to buy my own school clothes when I was 12 years old picking strawberries in the summer. I paid my own little league fees and continued to work through high school. I served in the Navy, which provided me with the means to attend college and earn a Bachelors degree. I gained good employment in a fulfilling career, earned a Masters degree, married a wonderful woman, and am raising three (so far) wonderful children (2 whom we've been fortunate enough to adopt).
We enjoy a comfortable wonderful life while enjoying our freedoms and liberties that our fore fathers have paid so dearly for. That of which we see slowly eroding from our republican system of government instituted by our heaven inspired national constitution. So, the message of an oppressive America where one cannot get ahead that Michelle and Barrack preach is completely foreign to me. And who is it that is destroying our freedoms and liberties? It is the Obamas, the Clintons, and their socialist counterparts who seek and hold positions of power and authority within our Government. It is they who are the enemy within. They are the wolves in sheep clothing. They are the false prophets of whom we have been warned in scripture.
...Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence hath it tares?
He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. - Matthew 13:27-28
And what about John McCain? He is our enemy as well. He may not be a socialist. I believe he truly loves our country, and he has made great sacrifices for America. However, he does not hold up the constitution of America and defend our freedoms and liberties it defines and is designed to protect. To be honest, I don't know what he stands for. He appears to be a quintessential politician, who panders to the left and the right depending on who he is in front of at the time and which way the wind is blowing at a particular time. He's seeking power for himself; for his own ego. He is a different kind of enemy, but still an enemy.And so, as I've said before, we are lacking a real statesman. We need a leader. We need someone who knows truth and will stand up for the truth; someone who knows, understands, and believes in the constitution of the United States of America, and the dangers that come from disregarding it and the principles it sets forth .
Friday, May 09, 2008
Get The Racism & Gender Out Of The Race
I think all of this talk and side shows about racism and gender are staged distractions to overt our eyes from who these people really are. Think about it. Take Reverrand Wriight out of the picture. Take William Ayers out of the picture. Take out the fact that Obama is half black and Hillary is a woman. Pretend that the candidates are like those Operation Iraqi Freedom poker cards with the missing pictures of the wanted person; just a black silhouette. You don't know what the candidate looks like, what their ethnic makeup is, what their gender is, how tall they are, how fat or skinny they are, how old they are, or what their voice sounds like; candidate A, B, and C. So, do you have that it in your mind; blank slates. Now imagine that you have 15 minutes to learn about their statements of their position on the issues, their plans, their experience.
No conservatism.
Candidate A is a freshman senator with no experience or accomplishments to speak of; who is radical socialist who hates everything about America.
Candidate B is a power hungry socialist who believes that the government can save everyone from their problems; who fabricates lies to support their agenda.
Candidate C is a self seeking schizophrenic moderate; no leadership, loyalty, or consistency. Strong on defense, but clueless on the economy. Conservative on occasion and liberal at other times. One who stabs his own teammates in the back and changes his position like the wind.
All enemies to America!
So, there you have it. I think it's time to dust off your bible and start praying for a real choice; real leadership for our nation. We may have to wait another 4 years for a qualified conservative choice.
Get Obama Out of Oregon!
I can't believe Obama is in my home state of Oregon! Get him out of there!!!!!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The Democrats Have Already Won - McCain Is Their Man
Why didn't the Democratic Party pick a candidate that has a chance of winning?
Why didn't they pick a candidate that is qualified?
Why would they set themselves up to lose?
It doesn't make sense; does it?
Perhaps their plan has really been to get McCain elected. If he ran as a Democrat,
McCain would get beat by a true conservative Republican. With McCain masquerading as a
Republican, the Democrats have already knocked out the real Republicans.
Think about it. I mean, really; an unknown freshman senator with no experience and no
achievements; no leadership; no success to speak of. A former first lady who can answer
the phone at 3 AM.
They had to know that neither had a chance to win it all. I'm sure they did an extensive
background check on Obama and knew that America would not take lightly his associations with
Reverend Wright and William Ayers. Surely, they read his books to learn what his true thoughts
and feelings are. They must have noticed his lack of patriotism by his subtle actions such
as refusing to display the American flag on his person and not holding his hand to his heart
during the pledge of allegiance.
The only thing that makes sense is that the Democrat leaders and McCain planned this
together from the outset.
Now the Dems have the luxury and freedom to see if they can get a true socialist in The White House. Either way, conservatives lose. The only question, is by how much.
So, this leads to another question; Why hasn't the Republican party caught onto this and kicked McCain out of the party?
As far as I'm concerned, I needn't bother showing up to the polls to vote for president in the upcoming general election. This will be the first time since I've been able to vote that I do not cast a ballot in the presidential contest. The only thing that would cause me to reconsider; to give me something to get excited about, would be if McCain selects Mitt Romney as his running mate, or someone at least as conservative as Mitt with at least as much proven leadership success and integrity. But, being the maverick that he is, the chance is slim to none.
May God bless America!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
What's Wrong With Mccain?
Why does he attack those from his own party?
Why is he so easily offended?
Why does he not stand for anything?
He stated that we are the party of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan, would they not attack their opponents who seek to destroy out American republican system of government and the constitution that defines it and holds it together?
So, now Mccain is getting attacked by both the Democrats and the Republicans. Why is he doing this to himself? Who will support him. He continues to make enemies on both sides. The democrats are opposed to him because he is a Republican. The republicans will not support him because he stands for nothing, attacks republicans who stand for the moral and conservative principals that form the foundation of the republican party. How can he possibly win a presidential election?
He is not electable as a Republican.
Now, if he were to switch over to the Democratic party, where he would more appropriately fit, then he would outshine the other two presidential candidates in the Democrat party and possibly win the race in a landslide. This would allow the republicans to put forth a true republican and conservsative.
The False Prophet Reverend Wright - Lies and Insults
Reverend Wright said recently in an interview with Bill Moyers on PBS, that he doesn't talk to Barrack Obama, a member of his congregation, about politics.
HELLO! Earth to Reverend Wright!!
What do you do from the pulpit at your church? You preach politics.
I am flabbergasted by his statement!!
He thinks he can play us, the American people, like the idiots he is used to preaching to regularly. Who else in their right mind would subject themselves and their families to the filth and lies that he spews from his mouth week after week.
Absolutely disgusting!!
In the America of today, where my children are color blind when it comes to race; when people speak about others in conversation without having to refer to their racial makeup as an obvious feature; where neighbors happily converse and share time with each other, regardless of ethnic or racial makeup or background.
I had been happy of late thinking how far we have come as a people from the hatred and racism that I heard from my grandparents. My parents instilled no hint of racism whatsoever in their children. The dream set forth in the Declaration of Independence was coming to fruition. From my perspective, the generation of my children, could live a life where no one in their sphere of influence would introduce even the shadow or hint of racism. That is, as long as we protect them from Reverend Wright's sermons, now being played on TV, radio, and across the internet
And another thing; how insulting it is that he uses the name of Christ in the title of his "church". It is appalling to say the least. Christianity is not being taught by Reverend Wright; this is quite obvious. Hatred and deception is the opposite of what Jesus taught. It makes me sick!
The true prophet Ezra Taft Benson warned "... many pulpits are being turned into pipelines of collectivist propaganda ...".
Credits and References:
1. Photo of Reverand Wright taken from on 20080428'. see
2. An Enemy Has Done This, Ezra Taft Benson
Sunday, April 13, 2008
The End of the Democratic Party
Could the end of the Democratic party as we know it be possible in the near future?
Why would I ask such a thing?
Only because the demise of the Federalist party occurred after U.S. success in the war of 1812. Nationalism rose after victories led by Andrew Jackson. The Federalists, who were quite opposed to involvement in the war, were so embarrassed that the national party basically became extinct.
We are hearing reports of measured success to our war effort in Iraq and the middle east. This brings heavy blows to the Democrats who continue to preach failure. They have been staunchly opposed to the war from the beginning. Every report is of a pessimistic view point.
They recently hammered on the 4000 lost lives when the mark was met.
Every American life paid is the ultimate for that one, and a very dear one for the family and loved ones, and those who fight along side that American. With that in mind, to put things in perspective, 3650 American lives were paid in a single day on September 17th, 1862 at the Battle of Antietem during the Civil War. (another interesting fact, but not comparable to lives given in service to our country, is that 3908 Americans were murdered in the state of Michigan alone from the years 2001 to 2006 inclusive.)
If we are becoming successful in our current effort in Iraq, than it would be quite a blow to the Democrats who have been preaching failure; their calls for us to quit and back out.
Would this bring the same devistation to the national Democratic party that the Federalist party suffered? I'm not sure. But, I thought it was interesting to compare and think about.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Response To The "Helping Families Save Their Homes in Bankruptcy Act"
Here is a letter that I wrote to Senator Benjamin Cardin, my US Senator from Maryland, today, regarding his recent sponsorship of the Helping Families Save Their Homes in Bankruptcy Act:
Mr. Benjamin Cardin,
Please do not spend the money we have entrusted you with to protect our liberties and freedoms to rob people of an opportunity to learn a valuable lesson about the poor choice that they made. If they are not allowed to suffer the consequences of the actions they made of their own free will, then they will not grow wiser through the humbling experience which you seek to deprive them of. They will not learn and will have no reason not to use the same poor judgment again.
Furthermore, you would rob other citizens of an opportunity to purchase a home at a lower price, that they may have not otherwise been able to afford.
Yet others would be robbed of an enterprising investment opportunity. The free market is a beautiful thing if left unfettered.
It is not the proper role of government to intervene in the economic and personal affairs of it's citizens. As well, it is not fair to those of us who made sound decisions to live within our means or those of us who have suffered financially because we rectified our situation of our own accord.
What will you do next? Will you make a provision where citizens can submit each poor choice that they make in life and the economic set back that they suffered because of it, so that the government can pay them to cover their losses?
Do you see how absurd this would be? You will end up with a society of citizens who don't know how to think for themselves, and cannot survive without the government providing for all of their needs; a socialist state.
Stop meddling in affairs that you have no business being involved in.
We will be watching you to hold you accountable for your actions. Please make good, constitutionally sound decisions. To do so, a noble statesman you would become.
Your Fellow Maryland Citizen
Hyrum Shewell
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Unveiling the Wolf in Sheeps Clothing
Through his actions and in his own words (both written and spoken) we can decipher the truth about Barrack Hussein Obama (who would be president of the United States of America).
America WAKE UP! Pay attention! Do your homework! Our liberty is at stake! The liberty, freedom, and fate of the world hangs in the balance! As a citizen of this great nation, the greatest God has ever created on this earth, it is your duty and obligation to be patriots and defend the liberty and freedom we enjoy that our fathers and mothers fought, bled, and died for. It is our duty to spread freedom throughout the world, as it is God's wish that all of his children benefit from it. For it is only where government does not restrict, bind, or hinder him whatsoever, that he is truly free to think, choose, and act for himself; of his own accord, in his clear conscience. Oh what beauty this is, how supreme Gods plan.
Turn the TV off! Turn the "music" off! Turn the video games off! Stop spewing nonsense from your mouth! Take a deep breath and clear your mind of all the clutter! Take some time to think, listen, ponder, research, verify, validate, and think some more about our blessings, what has been lost, what needs to be done, to preserve what is left to preserve and to re-establish what has been lost of the societal system established through and outlined in the Constitution of the United States of America: the federal government.
"Our destruction ... will be from ... the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence ... I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men, and become the instruments of their own undoing. Make them intelligent, and they will be vigilant; give them the means of detecting the wrong, and the will apply the remedy." (Daniel Webster, June 1, 1837; Works 1:403)
"Truth must be repeated again and again because error is constantly being preached round about us." (Goethe, 1749-1832, quoted in An Enemy Hath Done This, 1969)
A good friend of mind said it best, when he quoted his wife's remark about Obama: "Obama is a wolf in sheeps clothing". This resonated so well when I heard him recount this to me over the phone this evening; I've had this exact thought, in the exact words cross my mind many times along with other similar thoughts. The more that I hear, read, and learn about and from Obama, the more the wolf is revealed. It has become so obvious. To think that I once thought to consider voting for him quite disgusts me now. To be honest, before the last candidate who was "qualified" to become our next commander in chief dropped out, I never really gave him a thought; I knew nothing of him, and had never taken the time to find out who he was or what he is about. I only knew that he was a Democrat and wanted to "change" things. Just what he wanted to change, why, and how, I knew nothing about. So, when my favorite candidate dropped out, and the remaining candidate in my party seemed inadequate to represent my views of government and our country, I told my wife that perhaps we'd better take a look at this Obama character and determine just what we could find out about him, as he may be the best option at this point; Hillary disgusts me and McCain just can't be trusted and is possibly more liberal than Hillary on many issues.
Here's what I've discovered:
- Obama hates the social system as defined in the Constitution and seeks to destroy what remains. (Through his actions of promoting and supporting the enlarging of the federal government through legislation)
- Obama is a demagogue. (He uses rhetoric to gain the support of the unsuspecting and unaware)
- Obama is a liar. (He admitted this himself in his speech addressing racism in a necessary response to the criticism he received from the outrageous teachings of his pastor, spiritual advisor, and campaign committee member)
- Obama is a false prophet. (He professes to teach truth which is in actuality falsehood)
- Obama has no faith in God. (through his statement that he chose a church that most aligned with his personal beliefs) What about truth? How about choosing a religion because you sought truth, prayed to God for guidance, and then discerned which church to join. Any reason less than this raises questions about your sincerity and your honesty with yourself about who you are, where you came from, why you are here, where you are going, how you are going to get there, and how you will affect others on your way.
- Obama is disloyal to his family. (Through his willingness to use his maternal grandmother as a scapegoat to support his rhetoric about racism in some disgusting effort to justify comments made by his hate preaching pastor of who's actions he condones and submits his impressionable young children to)
- Obama is half Caucasian and half African. (Caucasion mother, African father)
- Obama was fortunate to be raised in beautiful Hawaii by his maternal grandparents where he was blessed to be educated at an elite private school where he was "embraced" and allowed him to "grow and prosper" Obama told students and faculty in a return visit in 2004. (Star Tribune, March 26, 2008, Minneapolis, MN)
- Obama had the privilege of attending top universities: Occidental College, Columbia University, Harvard (where he became president of the law school)
- Obama marched with Louis Farrakhan in the Million Man March in 1995 (Steve Sailer On 17 March 2008,
- Obama prefers his black heritage over his white heritage (In his book "Audacity of Hope" he stated that he wished he could get the white blood out of his system)
- Obama has a myopic and naive understanding of the evils, dangers, and threats to the United States from Terorists, Tyrants, and Communists.(his own statements about meeting with Iran without pre-conditions,
- Obama is not qualified to become an FBI agent (dis-qualified per drug use)
- Obama is not qualified to server as a secret service agent (dis-qualified per drug use)
- Obama has terrorist friends (William Ayers)(Remember what your mother taught about the company you keep.)
- Obama is a racist and hates America. (Reflected in the teachings and sermons of his pastor of twenty years, spiritual advisor, and campaign comitte member Reverand Wright, his writings, and his lack of respect for the USA flag through his actions)
- Obama is in-humane (his support of partial birth abortions)
- Obama served one term in the Illinois state senate.
- Obama is serving his first term in the U.S. Senate.
- Obama has poor judgement. (Apparent from above)
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." (Samuel Adams, 1776; , p. 808)
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. (Bible, New Testament, Matthew 7: 15)
Monday, March 31, 2008
Presidential Candidates Threaten Our Freedom
In an address given on May 12, 1964, at a luncheon of the American Chamber of Commerce in Germany at the Hotel Frankfurter Hof, Frankfurt, Germany, the Honorable Ezra Taft Benson, former Secretary of Agriculture, spoke of three pillars of the American economic system:
1. Free enterprise . . . the right to venture . . . the right to choose.
2. Private property . . . the right to own.
3. A market economy . . . the right to exchange.
He stated that "Our economic order is not perfect, because it is operated by imperfect human beings, but it has given us more of the good things of life than any other system. ...our phenomenal material advances have been the fruit of our freedom -- our free enterprise capitalistic system, ... our God-given freedom of choice." (Ezra Taft Benson, 1969; An Enemy Hath Done This, p.24)
He went on to explain that the basic American concepts (beliefs, principals, and attitudes) are threatened by three groups:
1. Well meaning but uninformed people
2. Self seeking men
3. Those dedicated to the overthrow of our economic and social system.
In the current presidential race, we are presented three who are unqualified, and unfit to lead this great nation. All three of the remaining candidates in the race for president of the United States of America fall into at least one of the categories above.
Below I list detailed explanations that Ezra Taft Benson gave for the three groups of people that threaten our freedom. As you read them, think of how Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, and John McCain may fall within each group.
1. They "... see the shortcomings of our economic system and believe they can legislate them out of existence. They try to reach the promised land by passing laws. They do not understand our economic system and its limitations. They would load it down with burdens it was never intended to carry. As their schemes begin to break down, more and more controls must be supplied. Patch is placed upon patch, regulation is added to regulation and ultimately, by degree, freedom is lost -- without our desiring to lose it and without our knowing why or how it was lost." (Ezra Taft Benson, 1969; An Enemy Hath Done This, p.25)
Sound like Hillary, Barrack, or McCain?
2. They "... see in government legislation a way to obtain special privileges for themselves or to restrain their competitors. They use demagoguery as a smokescreen to deceive. These people have no love for freedom or enterprise. They would bargain away their birthright for a mess of pottage. They would learn the value of freedom only after it was gone." (Ezra Taft Benson, 1969; An Enemy Hath Done This, p.25)
Sound like the Clintons?
3. "Their philosophy does not stem from Jefferson, but is foreign to our shores. It is a total philosophy of life, atheistic, and utterly opposed to all that we hold dear as a great Christian nation. These men understand our system thoroughly -- and they hate it thoroughly. They enlist innocent but willing followers from the uninformed and the unprincipled. Through rabble-rousing and demagoguery they play upon the economic reverses and hardships of the unsuspecting. They promise the impossible, and call black white, and mislead with fallacies masqueraded as truth." (Ezra Taft Benson, 1969; An Enemy Hath Done This, p.25)
Sound like Obama?
What do we do?
"What we desperately need today is patriotism founded on a real understanding of the American ideal -- a dedicated belief in our principles of freedom, and a determination to perpetuate America's heritage." (J. Edgar Hoover, Feb. 22, 1962)
America "will continue to be a land of freedom and liberty so long as we are able to advance in the light of sound and enduring principles of right. To sacrifice such principles for momentary expediency -- often selfishly motivated -- is to endanger our noble heritage and is unworthy of our great American people." (Ezra Taft Benson, 1969; An Enemy Hath Done This, p.28)
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." (Samuel Adams, 1776; Great Quotations, p. 808)
Blog Archive
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- Wrong: McCain on Bailout
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Reformation Ideas
- understanding and comprehension of U.S. constitution demonstrated
- secret clearance obainment required
- strict accountability for oaths and promises made
- no campaigning while serving a term elected to fulfill
- term limits for all elected officials